Chapter-3: I reach out repeatedly

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Introductory arc 3/4

8 months and 15 days, that's the amount of time that has passed ever since I came here. For the first time in all these days, I finally feel like I belong here.

"So, Akutagawa Riki... huh? Ryu you asshole beat me to it! I wanted Nee-san to become MY sister. Hayashi Riki is better and easier than Akutagawa." Hibiki complains. "Nee-san, consider this, would you rather have my last name than Ryu's?"

"I'm the type that favors the first person that offers me something." I smile. "Hayashi Hibiki, your name is really nice, but I think I'll settle for Akutagawa."

"Heh, take that!" Gin hugs me, "She is my PERSONAL sister now, so all of you are banned from calling her your sister." She shows thumbs up at Ryu, "Nice job!" Ryu looks away.

"Look, even Gin is acting out now... Ryu went and did the unthinkable! I was thinking Ikeda Riki would sound better." Yoko says. "My family used to be a big deal in the past, accepting that name would give you prestige, Nee-san."

"You do not have any prestige, you're a homeless orphan," Akira rolls his eyes.

Akio follows up, "Yes, get over your high horse! Fujita Riki would sound better anyway."

"Okay stop fighting! Who cares what last name she is going to use? She's all of our older sister!" Yamato interrupts. "Well, I think Hiroshi would fit you quite we-"

"Oh?? So you're playing the same card now? Have some shame!!" Ichika screams. "My last name would fit-"

"Guys!" I finally intervene. "I'm Akutagawa Riki, and that's final."

"And only my and Nii-san's sister," Gin adds, she's still holding me in her arms.

I pat her. Before Gin wasn't very talkative, but now she speaks quite a bit. Still way less than Ryu.

"Thank you guys for loving me. Really, I thought I wouldn't have anyone by my side. But you all proved me wrong." I smile. Their kindness makes life worth living sometimes...

"You're still the goody-two-shoes..." Akio frowns. "Stop talking so politely. Even living on the streets didn't change your talking style." 

"Yep, she's still boring." Akira follows his twin's facial expression and frowns too. "Though the way she bargains at the stores to give us food for less money is very cool."

"Rightt?? She's such a cool liar~ I think she will win a medal if there was a lying competition." Hibiki wiggles his brows looking at me. He's trying to be sarcastic but creeps me out instead.

"She might win first place." Yui joins in.

"Okay, whatever! Anyway..." I try to act as if I'm not amused, I clearly am, but they don't need to know! Actually, I won't come in first. Dazai will win all the prizes there are to get in such a competition.

"I actually quit my job at the newspaper company today," I say to divert the topic.

"What?" Ichika looks at me, shocked. "No way! You're lying!" 

What a great way to change the mood of happy children, Riki! 

"I'm not. My ability attracted the Port Mafia, so I will have to quit before they find out who I am and where I live. I don't want to join the mafia." I leave out the word [yet]. If I can hide for around 4 months, Dazai will appear in the mafia, the boss will change, and everyone is likely to forget about my ability. Just 4 more months. 

"What? But that job was the most reliable way to get food for us!" Yamoto complains in a disappointed tone.

"I'm sorry, but the Mafia isn't quite a fun place right now. Would you rather have my dead body or starve?" I ask in a bitter tone, "But don't worry, I'll find a way, we can go the next few days without this job anyway with what money we have left."

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