Chapter-9: But even though I think so...

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Meeting Dazai arc 5/5

-Neutral POV-

Another wonderful Autumn day in Yokohama... is what Nishikata Makoto would think if there wasn't a gun pointed at his forehead. He didn't think he'd ever be antagonized by the Port mafia. He kept his hands off of anything that even had the slightest connection with the mafia. Thus when Nishimura Hiroto asked him to spy on a stray girl, he agreed. Hiroto wasn't connected with the mafia, his brother was. That alone was scary enough for him.

Honestly, who would've thought the bandaged teenager was the boss's right-hand man anyway?

"So, tell me," Dazai puts on his brightest smile, "What's the deal with this girl?"

"Akutagawa Riki... I.. she is... ah..." Nishikata stutters, failing to find a response

To the white-haired teen's horror, the polite smile vanishes from Dazai's face, "Why don't you take a few breaths and think about what to say in an organized manner?" 

A simple and easy command, but how can Nishikata stay calm? He was first dragged away from the playground by multiple black-suited men, his head was slammed against the wall roughly, and now there's a gun pointing at his forehead. He follows Dazai's advice and draws in some quick, long breaths.

"Why are you asking me-"

"Aaa." Dazai's softly huffs, cutting Nishikata's sentence short, "Did I seem that friendly for you to be comfortable enough to ask me a question?"

Of course not. 

Nishikata curses himself inside his mind to not think before he spoke. The boy that stood before him was a year younger than him, thin physique and lots of bandages. From the way he dressed, Nishikata could swear his financial status was a few grades higher than "Rich". When he first saw Dazai walking around with the girl he is hired to surveillance, he merely thought it was a rich boy who fell in love with the mysterious street girl. The only thing that didn't fall right in place was, of course, his bandages. What kind of normal teen wears that many bandages? Unless obviously someone who engages with violence frequently.

"N-no... Forgive me!" He quickly apologizes. "I uh... don't kno-"

"You've been stalking her for a while haven't you?" Dazai tightens his finger around the trigger, scaring him once again.

"I'm only doing that because I was hired! If you ask me to I will stop right away. I- I will move away from Yokohama too, I'll never show my face around here!" 

"You think you can get out of here alive? That's some wishful thinking!" His desperate words make Dazai laugh. Moving the gun away from his forehead Dazai adds, "But... if you answer my questions without being irritating, I will consider letting you live."

He drops to his knees, relieved, shocked, scared

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He drops to his knees, relieved, shocked, scared. 

"Thre- Three years ago she one day appeared out of nowhere and was taken in by Akutagawa's gang. She had no Lastname, then Akutagawa told her to attach the name with her. About a year ago, she started walking around with this tall older fella named Oda... the- there's a rumor that they are having an affair..."

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