Chapter-27: Are endless

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The Alliance

-Riki's POV-

He hugged me...

The reality emerges in the back of my mind as the glass elevator suddenly moves downward, revealing the complete cityscape in an instant. I stare at the enchanting city beneath me. The sun has long gone down, yet Yokohama shines just as brightly. The neon blue hue radiating from the giant Ferris wheel illuminates the ocean beside it lavishly. The golden light of the Kousai Bridge reflects on the tranquil water as I gaze at it captivated, clasping the silver oracle between my hands. How lucky does one have to be, to witness the night view of Yokohama from the absolute middle of the city, with their dearest one standing right beside them? 

"So," Dazai speaks softly, dazing me just a little as I spring my head towards him, "What do you plan to do with that?" He motions at the paper in my hand with a side nod, "You technically have the boss's power in your grasp right now."

"Use it to make you remove Nishikata-san and Ito-san from my life?" I say in one breath, holding the paper up in his face to block his view from my flushed cheeks.

"As in killing them?" He gently moves my hands along the silver page, unblocking his view. The subtle smirk on his lips elucidated by the hazy blue elevator light and the bright moon outside the glass cab reminds me he's the devil himself. 

"You know that's not what I meant!" I twist my face. "I meant to say they shouldn't bother me anymore!"

"Dead people don't bother anybody." He closes his eye to show me a sweet smile.

"I'm saying that they should- umm..." I press the bridge of my nose, looking down to think. "Wait... I'm figuring it out!... I got it!" An excited grin takes over me as I look at Dazai again. "They should focus on their work!"

"Their work is to ensure you're safe." He tilts his head slightly, his lips still sheltering that precious smile I could kill for.

"Their other work! Focusing on the mafia business."

"Alright!" He declares happily, "I'll take them out with me in the next shootout and have them serve as my human shield~!"

"Hey!" I shout, "Why do they keep dying in your options?!"

"I'm just obeying your orders~" He pouts.

"You know what?" I lean close to him, glaring at his only visible eye sparkling with mischievousness, "You're a psychopath." 

"Thank you!" He puts his right hand on his chest, bowing slightly. "I'm honored!"

I stare at him at my wit's end, brainstorming every possible comeback but the elevator door chimes. The door splits open revealing two mafioso with guns aiming at us. They quickly lower their guns the moment their eyes fall on Dazai and turn their back on us. I look up at the hall indicator. We're still pretty high up, were we supposed to stop so early?

"No," Dazai responds before I get to say anything. "This is where we'll pick up your ID card."

"What ID card?" I speak slowly, sharpening my gaze at him.

"A card to enter the mafia buildings without trouble?" He mirrors my expression, even the tone. 

"Are... you mocking me?"

"I am~" He nods playfully, facing up. "Next you'll ask "Why do I need an ID card", then I'll say "I don't know, there's no point", then you'll ask "Then why am I getting an ID card?" then I'll say-"

"I don't know, there's no point?" I crease my forehead.

"Exactly, you're getting good at this~!" He smiles sweetly, hitting the close button on the elevator. The doors close as he fully turns toward me. He takes a step closer to me, compelling me to step back until my back touches the glass wall. He leans in. "So tell me, why did you accept it?"

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