Chapter-20: I want to tell everyone

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Dazai's visit

-Riki's POV-

"Nee-san, are you awake?"

I blink a few times at the figure standing beside me. The dim sunlight coming from the window is illuminating the boy clothed in dark black coat and white dress shirt in a delicate and soft way. Somehow Dazai's coat suited him better than Dazai himself. 

I smile at him, "You're almost unrecognizable."

"This is the clothing I wear now." He sits down on the chair beside me.

"You look good," I say, looking at him up and down. He's dressed exactly as he did in the anime now, not even the tiniest detail is missing. But something about his face is odd. 

"Did you eat lunch?"

"Ah, yeah. After Sakaguchi-san left Nii-san fed me lunch." I nod, not taking my eyes off his face.

His forehead and lack of eyebrows are bugging me... NO THE BANGS! THE PRECIOUS FRONT BANGS!

"What did you do to your hair!!" I sit up, touching his forehead, "No no no... I told you countless times-"

"They were a nuisance amidst training." He replies in a dumb tone, making me pout.

I cut my hair for the exact reason, I can't really complain...

"..." I look around the room, "Where's Nii-san?"

"He went to check out your new apartment. He took the duty of buying you furniture." He looks away, "Even though he is poor."

"...We were on the verge of starving even a week ago, Ryu-chan."

"Now we're not!" He furrows his (non-existent) eyebrows, "We no longer have to remember the past."

I sigh, his arrogance is truly unbreakable.

Akutagawa Ryunosuke, my younger brother for over three years now. Unbelievably brutal and grumpy, it shows from his tone. He doesn't hesitate a second to cut down his enemies. Clothed in black he appears even grimmer right now too, but his attitude toward me is heartwarming. 

I pat his head, "How's life in the mafia? You didn't come to visit me, I thought you forgot about me."

"The mafia is a place I belong." He looks down at his lap, "I was injured while training, you always make my injuries a big deal, so I decided it wasn't a good idea to appear before you."

Ugh, my head hurts.

"Dazai-san is training you right?" I force a smile, "Is he a good teacher?"

On the mention of Dazai his face basically lights up as he starts praising him wholeheartedly. His description of Dazai reminds me that I'm no longer the biggest Dazai fan that exists in this universe.

"I want to be acknowledged by him, that's my reason to live now..." He almost smiles.

"He's amazing, isn't he?" I look to my side, "Making the emotionless rabid dog capable of having emotions, and even a reason to live."

I failed to change anything about his personality, I failed to even make his outlook on life brighter. The only thing I managed to do is make sure he grew up healthy. He's no longer the frail boy I saw when I first appeared here, he doesn't cough. I guess I should be happy with only that now.

"I heard you attacked Nii-san..." I speak slowly, "That didn't sound nice."

"...I thought he was a nuisance to your life, but thanks to his care you're smiling again." He looks at my face. "So... I will stop trying to kill him."

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