Chapter-25: And cease existing together?

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Odasaku's dream

-Riki's POV-

"Ask your wise conscience this—" I put my elbows on the wooden table, lacing my fingers together to create a triangle, sharpening my gaze at the man sitting in front of me, "Do I really need this?"

"Dazai said you do," He replies, beating the raw egg into his curry with a spoon. 

It's seven in the morning. I'm in my school uniform, all ready for school. We're sitting at a table near the window of Freedom restaurant. The restaurant hasn't opened yet, the window is tightly shut. Cozy morning sunshine sips through the glass, illuminating the interior moderately. Odasaku is supposed to visit 3 days a week here, but thanks to me he visits every day, multiple times if possible. He picks up a spoonful of curry and puts it into his mouth. An adorable smile takes place on his lips as he reaches out for another spoon.

"Dazai-san says a lot of things." I place my chin over my laced fingers, staring dead into Odasaku's unfazed face. "We shouldn't listen to them."

He continues eating without a word. I narrow my gaze, crinkle my nose, stick out my tongue— make all kinds of faces but he doesn't notice. It's almost as if it's him and his curry against the world. 

"Psst- hey," I call out, but still no response.

"Kyoudai? (Brother)" 

"Nii-chan? (Brother)"

"Aniki? (Brother)"

"Aniue? (Brother)"

"ONIIII-SAMAAAAAAAAA!!" I howl at the top of my lungs. It works, he finally lifts up his face from his beloved curry and looks at my face, eyebrows slightly furrowed. "I don't want violent mafiosos sticking to me!"

"Dazai promised they won't be violent in front of you."

"Please Nii-san, tell him off!" I blow out my cheeks, "I don't need a car, or a driver, or a guard! I can take care of myself!"

"It's better if you have guards. If Mafiosos guard you, people won't mess with you."

"..." I clench my teeth, looking out the window.  The yellowish street in front of the restaurant is extremely quiet, not even a bird is flying by. This restaurant doesn't do much business.

Odasaku's spoon starts moving again, it swiftly picks up some curry and delivers to his mouth.

"Please, Nii-san-" I attempt to whine again, but a black car stops in front of the restaurant. The door next to the shotgun seat springs open. I rest my cheek on my palm, watching as the youth comes out of the car. "Look. I can go to school in milliseconds. I don't need cars!"

"It's better if you don't flaunt your ability to everyone at the school, the normal kids will feel envious," Odasaku says, chugging a bit of water. He's done with his curry. "Envy can breed bullying."

"Dazai-san is already bullying me." I mumble, "Tell him off, please!"

The white-haired youth in black suit waves at me. I  turn my face away, pretending to not acknowledge him. 

The owner comes out of the counter to serve Odasaku his morning coffee. He places a bento box wrapped in a flower-patterned green cloth in front of me.

"I packed a lot, make sure to eat every single thing inside." He smiles merrily, brushing his hand on his yellow apron. "Students need a lot of energy to study."

"Uncle, can you cook this guy something to improve his judging skill?" I turn to him, pointing my thumb at the airhead, "He isn't listening to reasons!"

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