Chapter-26: Days darkening in the setting sun

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The Port Mafia

-Riki's POV-

"Shut the window, lady."

A rude command follows the moment I roll down the window of this black vehicle running at 60km/h. There are four people inside the car. I look at the source of the command in the front seat, he's wearing a black suit similar to the male driving this car. Port Mafioso.

"But it's suffocating..." I complain in a low voice. 

"Shut it." He commands with more pressure, creasing his forehead impatiently.

"What's so wrong about having one window open?" I raise my shoulders, palms up; trying to negotiate with the unfriendly male in his 30s. His eyes are hidden under dark sunglasses.

"Do what you're told." The person beside me finally intervenes. He's wearing a V-neck white shirt, a red-ish coat-type garment over that, followed by an edgy-looking leather jacket. The funny thing is he wears a hat even inside a car, "If you don't wanna get handled like a real prisoner."

"I'm not a prisoner..." I say slowly, scanning him thoroughly. I've just passed the shock of meeting him suddenly, but his cold treatment is making me wanna cry.

"Just shut the window." He glares at me through his deep-blue eyes, the glare almost gets concealed by the hat.

'Do what you're best at, being polite'

Being polite, huh? I'll fight him. Fuck this dude.

I roll up the window and bring out my phone from my jeans pocket. I was supposed to be wearing my school uniform, but the moment classes ended I ran home to change. I'm not gonna meet Mori in a skirt. Besides, I look good in white!

I search for Dazai's name in my contact list. Since I don't have the guts to call him, I open the text option. If I'm gonna fight this rude bastard, I should at least send Dazai a precaution of my brilliant doings.

How the fuck do you spell Nakahara?

I somehow send Dazai a message. About to send another to give him further context, the mafioso in front of me snatches the phone away.

"Hey!" I shout, "What the hell?"

He turns off the phone and slides it inside his pocket without a word.

"You're seeing this?" I turn to Chuuya, "He just took my phone!"

"You have no power." He growls, slowly turning his face towards me, "So shut the fuck up and obey."

I squeeze my lips shut. Right. Why did I think he'd support me? We're not friends... 

God, he's just a random stranger, isn't he? A murderer at that, who's never gonna change too. And he supports Mori with his life! He probably doesn't even care Nii-san dies for this stupid mafia!

"Alright," I exhale harshly.

The car stops in front of a massive uninhabited warehouse-type building. I press my nose on the dark window glass and scan outside. At least forty mafiosos are standing and guarding the building with huge rifles. Two run towards our car and opens the doors for Chuuya and me. I take in a deep breath and step outside.

The grim looks on everyone's faces set off an alarm inside me. I press my lips together, Dazai said nothing bad will happen to me, but this definitely is suspicious... Why do they all have guns? Where am I?

Chuuya walks inside the building without a word. I follow Chuuya inside and step on the stone ground. Dirt and dried leaf are everywhere, the roof has cob-webs all over it. This place was probably a storage space, but no longer in use. The inside is absolutely empty except for two chairs and a table deserted in the middle.

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