Chapter-11: I wish for a magnificent and bright end

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Ryuuzo Kouso arc 2/6

-Day 48 of Dragon's head conflict-
-Neutral POV-

Dazai walks into the dimly lit bar lupin to notice his older friend Oda is occupying a stool. A contented smile flashes across Dazai's face. He sits by Oda's side and greets him warmly.

"Ango is probably not going to join us today too."  

"He has the most troublesome work out of us all," Dazai lazily responds, motioning at the bartender for his usual, "We'll need the conflict to end to be able to sit together peacefully once again."

"I suppose that is true." Oda gently nods. As usual, Dazai can't figure out what he's thinking behind his nonchalant expression.

"How's Riki-chan doing?" Dazai pauses to acknowledge the bartender placing a glass in front of him, "Aren't the streets getting unsafer by the day?"

"It is, but no matter what I say she isn't agreeing to stop working." Oda sighs helplessly, "She's too stubborn for her own good."

"Reminds me of someone," Dazai eyes at Oda. But his airhead friend is too oblivious to his own stubbornness.

"I'm thinking of taking care of all the kids she lives with. They need an adult, I am one." 

"Take care of 11 teenagers? Do you want to start an orphanage by yourself?" Dazai rests his cheek on his palm, smiling merrily at Oda.

"Take care of 11 teenagers? Do you want to start an orphanage by yourself?" Dazai rests his cheek on his palm, smiling merrily at Oda

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"Would that be hard?" 

"It would be easier to end the war and make the streets safe again." He shrugs, but the entertained expression doesn't disappear. "Why don't we make all the kids join the mafia?"

"They'd have to be front-liners, human-shield." Oda looks at Dazai, "Since none of them seem to have an ability except for Ryu-chan."

"Ryu-chan? Oh, Ryunosuke!" Dazai exclaims, "Such cutesy name..."

"That's what Riki calls him."

The conversation switches off to a different topic, after an hour of Dazai's mindless chatter it returns back to Riki.

"Are you aware of what Riki-chan is up to these days?"

"Not quite sure, but she seemed to be working hard."

"Eh?" Dazai's tone is superficial, "So you have no idea what she's doing recently? Are you perhaps avoiding her?

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