Chapter-4: Chasing the wish that slips through

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Introductory arc 4/4

This is it. I'm nervous. I might puke. What kind of excitement am I feeling to feel this way? I'm doing my best to not activate my ability Karma, yet it might activate anytime and get me overwhelmed again. I can't blame myself, it's finally the year... 2 years have passed~! Technically 22 months and 12 days, but... it's finally time. 

Dazai Osamu is actually here. 

"Nee-san, what the hell are you smiling about?" Yoko's the first one to notice my big smile. 

"She sure is in a good mood, look all 28 of her teeth are showing." Ichika points at my mouth.

I try to shut it, but it only exposes my teeth even more. Dammit, how the hell do you hide happiness? I hid pain countless times, but this- I'm glowing. Dammit, dammit. It doesn't work, yet my smile gets only wider.

"Woahh, smiling big aren't we today Nee-san? Actually, I was practicing how to smile big too. Look" Hibiki stands beside me, copying my wide smile.

"EWW, Hibiki, go brush your teeth you disgusting pig!" Yamato makes a disgusted face.

"Shut up!! Toothpaste is expensive!" 

"Can't be more right! I use the soap from the public bathroom to brush my teeth." Akira says.

"That soap tastes horrible tho" Akio nods.

"Guys, you do know we have toothpaste at home right?" I look at the three with a disappointed look.

"Sorry Nee-san, old habits. They don't die easily." Hibiki replies.

"Fools. You think you're saving toothpaste by not brushing. I save way more by not showering." Ryu replies from across the room, he just woke up. He cutely rubs his eye and looks at us with an expression I can describe as [somewhat proud]

"Guys capture him! It's been two weeks since he last showered." I point at him. "Attack!"

"Aye Aye Nee-san!" All of them say in unison, and cover Ryu from all the corners of the house.

"Give up Ryu, we got you fully covered."

"You fools can never capture me." Ryu activates  Rashomon, grows some spider legs and before we could go near him, he's already way up on the roof.

"Ryu, get down or we'll be forced to use our most violent tactic." 

"I'm not scared of your violent tactics!" He replies with a dumb tone. "You can't make me come down."

"We'll see about that! Hibi-chan!" I yell.

"I'm ready whenever you say Nee-san." Hibiki pumps up his watergun. It's a water gun that Odasaku bought me at a summer festival. Hibiki claimed it as his personal gun the moment I brought it home. It's now used as the most violent tactic to make Ryu shower.

"I will rip that gun into pieces," Ryu replies, this time a bit scared.

"You gotta come down if you want to rip it in pieces Nii-san!" Gin yells, "Come on Nii-san, show them what you got."


"Now Hibi-chan!" 

Hibiki shoots the water at him the moment I signal. Ryu tries to use Rashomon to avoid getting splashed, and his position slips, and he falls down.

"Now everyone!"

Everyone jumps at him, holding down his hands and legs. Ryu helplessly stares at them as they pin him down to the floor.

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