Chapter-39: A meaning to keep on living

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Improvised(?) plan

-Riki's POV-

If Dazai has managed to teach me one thing after bullying me for almost two weeks, it is: Timing is everything.

Move a second later, you're dead. Move a second faster, you're an impulsive idiot.

Now I'm not a genius in any way or shape, but with the way the serpentine streams of water are blocking the sky from above my head, hurtling down toward my body at an incredible speed, it goes without saying — I don't have much time to move away.

I stomp my feet on the steel deck, zapping myself toward the clearly very angry captain, my head honed like a bull in a headbutting contest aiming for his gut.

My sudden speed causes a distressed buzzing among the rest of the crew, they start to back away, but Kato stands firm on his foot; not even slightly dazed. He jostles his hand forward, directing all of his strength and attention toward me, his eye bloodshot. Bringing his mother into this probably got him more angry than it should've.

The water snakes shoot up with a sudden surge, extending forward like living vines, catching up with my speed easily. Their thick cylinder-like structure casts dark shadows on me and the deck, their alice blue form reflecting on the polished surface.

I don't react, my speed and direction stay unchanged. There wasn't much Kazuki could say about the captain's ability except: Kato has to see the water and uses his only hand to control it. I can follow Dazai's example and blind Kato to keep him from using his ability, but Odasaku will disown me. I have to use a different method.

My eyes fixate on Kato's fingers. The moment they twitch, his fist preparing to clench—

I speed up.

Kato's lone eye widens realizing my intention, but his hand has already clenched, giving out the order to strike.

The water crashes down on the steel deck like iron chains swung at it, missing my body by a few inches.




The crew watches with horror as the water hits the deck and loses its controlled form instantaneously, turning into ungovernable fluid flooding all over the deck, slipping right back into the sea through the metal railing.

"Bitch!" Kato curses with urgency. He spreads his fingers again, getting ready to use his ability one more time.

"Give it a rest, you old fuck!" I yell, dropping to the ground with a controlled slide, legs extended forward. My body swiftly slides on the steel deck, gliding right through the gap between Kato's legs.

"Oh, you little pest!" Kato twirls behind without wasting a second. His eyes shouldn't be capable of seeing my speedy actions, but he can trace my thought process. As expected from a skilled fighter.

I lay there quietly, granting him time to properly turn toward me, glaring down scarily at my face. He starts to extend his hand toward me-

I shoot up, rotating mid-air. The toe cap of my boot crashes against the back of his hand.


"Hghhh!" Kato lets out a miffed groan, taking a faltering step backward.

I land on my feet and grip his wounded hand with my left, my right hand clenching and smashing against his stomach with great force.

"Argh!" He grunts, bending over his belly, giving me free access to his nape concealed by grey hair.

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