Chapter-23: Isn't there anyone

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-Fyodor's Plan 3/3-

-Riki's POV-

Aimlessly I speed through the road, brushing against April's cool weather.


Why, why, why?

Why does it have to be him?

I drag my legs one in front of the other, pushing the ground with every ounce of my strength. My ears sizzle like I'm inside a cyclone.

He was more than a boss to me. Countless days when I couldn't earn, I found myself roaming around his store, hoping for a little bit of kindness like he offered the first time I came into this world. And every time he gave me, he never returned me with an empty hand. I didn't had to beg, he made it seem like he was forcing his generosity on me. He kept on giving and giving until I gathered the courage to beg for something. A job.

The half-dead, unmotivated man was the sign this world was worth fighting in— until I met Odasaku.

A pebble falls under my shoe. I lose balance and blast forward. My hands touch the ground, ripping apart the flesh as I turn transparent, protecting the rest of my body.

I clench my fists as blood floods out of my hand. I look at my hands, the skin is completely shredded. There's a faint dark glow around my hands.

I see, Karma is controlling my actions.

I lay my head down on the paved surface, trying to calm down. I can't do anything impulsive. Fyodor's against me, he preys on people's emotions. I can't let him win.

A few moments pass by as I lay there unmoving, controlling the flow of my breathing. Eventually my heart calms down, causing the glow around me to disappear. It's almost as if a switch was turned on, my thoughts clear up.

Masato-san, it's undoubtedly him. Fyodor used Hiroto to torture me, Gin to manipulate me, of course the one who shot me from behind has to be someone I know. Masato-san's guilty, saddened expression today is the proof.

Hiroto might willingly want to hurt me, but what about Masato-san? Karma was on multiple times around him. His emotions towards me were never bitter or filled with malice. It was warm— as if he appreciates my presence. He even brought me flowers today. It's not logical to think he betrayed me...

Purple Hyacinth...?

He didn't betray me after all!

I spring up. My hands are healed but soaking wet from blood. I turn visible and brush my hands against the road, getting rid of the blood.

Dazai told me not to jump into anything bizarre without worrying about my safety. Logically, if I run toward Masato-san's store, I wouldn't be in danger. I fill up my lungs with air and set my gaze on the street, ready to run once again.

It doesn't take half a minute to reach there. I wait until my breathing turns normal. Forcing a smile, I step inside.

"Masato-san, I'm here."

"Oh-! You're already here?" He's crouching near an aisle, organizing the products. Seeing me he stops and turns toward me, "They let you out?"

"Pfft- not really," I laugh looking at the counter, away from Masato-san. "I ran away!"

"Honestly..." He lets out an exasperated sigh, "Your stuff is by the counter, you left a hair band in the staff room, pick everything up and leave. I don't want signs of you near my store."

"How cruel..." I smile, his attitude is the same as always. "Hey, Masato-san— how's your mother?"


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