Chapter-34: It's not like me to think so

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The "Akutagawa treatment"

-Neutral POV-

Nakahara Chuuya's day starts off great.

He wakes up at his preferred time, works out, showers, eats breakfast, and chugs down a gallon of milk before getting ready for his job.

He arrives at the Port Mafia HQ at the designated time, heading directly toward the meeting room as today a very important meeting is supposed to be held.

When he's about to enter the room, his boss— Mori Ougai, exits through the door.

Chuuya looks at Mori confusedly, "Boss, the meeting doesn't start until fifteen minutes and you're already leaving?"

"That's right," Mori responds, peering at Chuuya with a small smile. "Today's meeting was adjourned due to... circumstances. I'll reschedule the meeting at a later time."

"Alright..." Chuuya answers slowly; watching Mori walk away after patting him on the shoulder once. Confusion thickens inside his mind when executive Ozaki Kouyou comes out of the same room.

Kouyou holds her right palm concealed by her pink kimono's sleeve over her mouth, softly laughing. "It's okay Chuuya, everyone likes to have fun once in a while."

Chuuya's brows snap together. "What are you talking about, Ane-san?"

She laughs in response, walking away as Mori did. Everyone in the room comes out one by one; the higher-ranking ones smile at Chuuya; the rest pretend they've never known what joy is.

When everyone leaves, Chuuya sharpens his gaze at the door, thinking for a second before stepping inside.

Worst mistake of his life.

His face heats up the moment his eyes meet the room's previously perfectly white-colored walls, now completely plastered with millions of photos of himself— likely screencapped from the HQ's security footage.

An aggravated scream.

Loud banging noise.

Sounds of objects colliding.

Chuuya walks out of the utterly ravaged room after five minutes, intently facing down; his left hand tightly gripping the hat over his head, concealing the entirety of his face from view.

He grimly walks into his office, not even acknowledging the cheery greetings of his subordinates. When he sits down on his chair fuming in anger and embarrassment, he finds a small black pendrive with a red ribbon tied around it on his desk.

"What the fuck?" He mutters, slowly reaching for it.

He picks it up and uncaps it—



"With all due respect, sir." The female mafioso begins, looking at Dazai standing on the opposite side of her desk, "I don't think it's a good idea to replace the official records with these documents."

"Hmm?" Dazai tilts his head. "Why not? These are well-written! Good description, the right amount of details— and these aren't as boring as the official ones!"

"Ah..." She says thinly, worriedly gaping at the documents she's presented with. "These are filled with unnecessary descriptions..."

"Unnecessary?" Dazai exclaims, crossing his hands as if he can't fathom what he just heard. "How so? They are completely necessary! They could teach classes with these, you know?!"

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