Chapter-16: It's just inevitable

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DHC Aftermath arc 1/3

-Neutral POV-

'He called me his reckless soilder... his soldier! His! ... you're absolutely right! I will fight for you!'

Helplessly giggling, Riki is currently walking towards her home. But the cheery feeling disappears soon as she thinks of her future. What's next? Mimic? No, the tragedy that will kill her siblings. The exact day Dazai becomes an executive. When will he become an executive? 

On her way home Riki passes by Masato Shun's store. The lights inside the store are turned on, 'He came back from the village? That's cool. I'll come to work tomo- no actually, the day after. I need sleep.'

She was so immersed in her mind, it went unnoticed when a boy appeared before her out of nowhere. He was standing there for a long time, waiting.

"Oh- God!" Riki almost shouts, startled by him, "Nishimura-san?"

"You're alive... I saw you went in that blasting- blowing- zone... and you're still alive," Hiroto's tone is slightly slurred, resembling a drunkard's. His eyes are fixated on her, but out of focus.

"...You're upset that I'm alive?"

He saw me going inside the war? How can he? It needs professional directions to even enter such a zone let alone watch what others were doing!

"No. I'm not." He speaks slowly, closing in on her. "You should live, for me to... live."

What the hell?

He raises his left hand holding something sharp and pointy. A dagger. The bright street light reflects on the sharp edge as he brings it down aiming at Riki's neck, with the intent to kill.

After many days of Oda's hard training and engaging in the war, she recognizes the intent instantly. She stops his hand mid-air, twisting it. The knife collapses to the ground within a second.

"Are you out of your mind?"

Hiroto raises his right hand this time, with another equally sharp weapon. She stops his attack with her other hand, forgetting her wounded shoulder. Her entire face winces because of the sharp pain running through her body.

I need to turn transparent and run away! But I can't show him my transparency!!

"What the actual fuck are you doing?" Riki yells, losing her reason, "Dazai-san warned you he'll kill you! So please-"

A gun roars behind her, cutting her sentence short, and a throbbing pain in her leg immediately follows. She looks down to see her white gown slowly turning red around her left leg. Failing to keep balance Riki lets go of Hiroto's hand, falling to her knees.

What the hell? Hiroto was just a distraction? There's a bigger plan??

I need to do something! I can't die here!!

"Told you bitch! I was patient with you the entire time!" Hiroto delivers a kick at her head. The tip of his leather boot crashes into her forehead making it bleed almost instantly. She stumbles over her back. "I didn't hurt you, I didn't force myself on you, but you still didn't accept me! I'm tired... I'm just so tired of your fucking pride! You're not worth two yen, but I still wanted you! And you still-"

He kicks at her waist, making her groan. Karma activates, but before it can do anything someone approaches her from behind. Something heavy smashes into her skull, turning everything black.


"Ryu get away from the door!" Hibiki yells, "It's 11 pm! Nee-san hasn't returned!"

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