Chapter-13: Soon would be good, won't it?

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Ryuuzou Kousou arc 4/6

-Day 69 of Dragon's head conflict-

-Neutral POV-


"I'm bored!" Ranpo declares, raising his head from his desk. "I wish we had some interesting cases. Yosano-san, are we really out of snacks?"

Because of the conflict the detective agency was lacking in new cases to solve. Being unable to venture outside too, Yosano and Ranpo spend their days away playing games and eating snacks.

"Unfortunately." Yosano shakes her head, "But if you want something interesting, here's one." She slides a newspaper to him.

Without even glancing at the paper Ranpo knew what she was talking about, "Are you saying I should figure out who this mysterious rescuer is?" 

"Precisely! As expected from Ranpo-san." Yosano smiles at him.

The praise made Ranpo slightly happy, as he put his glasses on to stare at the small article written in the newspaper. 

"Yosano-san, do you remember that small girl who used to deliver newspapers a few years back?"

"Hmm..." Yosano puts her hand on her chin, "Her name was Riki... wasn't it? You're saying she's the one?"

Ranpo nods, but Yosano notices the slight sense of worry on his face.

"What are you wondering about?"

"This war will soon come to an end." Ranpo mumbles, "And then she's gonna be forced to pick a side."

Yosano furrows her brows, "Pick a side?"

"The government or the mafia." Ranpo looks at her, "Her speed is exceptional, they will no longer let her be by herself. She will be dragged in."

"If Ranpo-san is saying it, it must be true." Yosano nods, "You said you wanted her to join the agency, so... should we recruit her before the government or the mafia does?"

"Even if we can't immediately recruit her, we should at least block the other organizations," 

"The mafia boss definitely won't like someone like this escaping his grip." Yosano smirks, "But the question is, is she worth the trouble?


"She doesn't seem to be home, where else could she be...?" Dazai whispers to himself, peeking over the rundown place Riki called home. A small boy is sleeping soundly inside it, but Dazai knows even a slight sound would wake him up, as he was known as the rabid dog that guarded this place.

Dazai intended to leave without being spotted by anyone, but unfortunately for him, one of the kids returns at that exact time. His name is Hayashi Hibiki. Orange hair and his tiny physical shape reminded Dazai of Chuuya. His left eye twitches without his knowledge.

"Wh- what were you doing... di- did you come to kill us?" Hibiki's voice is shaky, "I will scream and call Ryu if you try anything!"

"What a nice way to greet someone." Dazai twists his lips, "And what will this Ryu do to me?"

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