Chapter-40: To the eternity

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Strange Friendship

-Riki's POV-

"Riki-san, what do you think of Dazai-san?"

The question breaks me out of my neverending disassociation, urging me to look away from the hypnotizing highway dazzling under the summer sun, lightly shadowed by the green trees on the roadside. Our car's motion ceases swiftly as it stops behind a trail of vehicles; I look up at the signal light, it has turned red.

I look in front of me, meeting the curious inquirer eagerly waiting for an answer — Nishikata Makoto. He has his head turned halfway toward me, staring at me from the corner of his eyes. What's weirder than Nishikata asking a question that involves 'Dazai' in it is: He's wearing a fluffy-looking earmuff covering his ears, a black scarf wrapped around his neck, dark wool gloves protecting his hand from whatever cold weather a summer morning can offer. Is he possessed by Rimbaud's spirit right now?

"Wh-" I try to ask, but my voice sounds incredibly heavy; atrocious. I cough to clear my throat, attempting to mask my disgruntled state. "What do you mean?"

"It's- I meant, what do you think of Dazai-san as a person." He clarifies, his expression unchanged. "Riki-san knows Dazai-san better than any of us, I was just wondering, if you could share your... views on him."

"On Dazai-san?" I furrow my brows. "Why suddenly?"

"Riki-san," Ito calls out, his eyes switching from the road to the rearview mirror where he can see my face, "You don't have to answer the question. He's just frustrated at Dazai-san for putting him in a challenging situation. It was his first time—"

"It wasn't my first time, he shot me once!" Nishikata protests, glaring at Ito.

"He shot you once?" I ask, baffled.

"Twice actually, it doesn't matter." Nishikata shakes his head, trying to get back to the topic.

"It kind of does..." I give him a weird look, "When exactly did he shoot you? After the agreement I had with him-?"

"Eh, no. It was the first time he met me. He greeted me with bullets. Ah, not exactly- he banged my head against the wall first- ah, I'm getting sidetracked again!!" Nishikata twirls and jumps on his seat, lifting his knees over it. He places his gloved hands on the backrest and stares deep into my eyes, his frantic look almost creeping me out, "Riki-san, I need to know. Just... what kind of person is Dazai-san to you?"

"Ah..." I tug at my right earlobe with my left hand, inspecting his expression concernedly. Dazai was never a fan of the rumor that Nishikata helped spread in the slums, but I didn't think he had done such things to Nishikata for it. And after all that, Nishikata had the guts to beg him for a job? He really is a masochist, isn't he?


"He's a nice person, of course." I let go of my earlobe, shrugging matter-of-factly. "I mean, you saw how kind and caring he is with me, and it's no secret he treasures me greatly, too! We had a massive argument in front of you two, remember? You saw how patiently he handled my anger and that situation. Doesn't that tell you what kind of person he is-"

"Riki-san, we weren't listening to that—" Ito tries to object.

"Oh come on!" I roll my eyes, waving my hand dismissively. "You think I don't hear the rumors? I know every single thing you guys gossip about. I know every single thing you feel about every single situation!" I look in the rearview mirror, "I know you guys think Dazai-san and I are dating. And by you guys, I mean ninety percent of the mafia. And I know for a fact you two are the main consumer of that rumor."

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