Chapter-28: In a world like that,

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Chuuya's redemption

-Riki's POV-

"Oi, Akutagawa!" An eccentric male voice calls out the moment I return to my class. It's lunchtime, most students are out of the classroom to have lunch elsewhere, yet this guy is still here. "What did the teacher call you this time for?"

It's been a week since I accepted the silver oracle, put it inside a box, and shoved it under my bed. Life should've been pretty chill after that, but it wasn't. The class captain made me check out many clubs this past week. I wouldn't say I hated every single second of it, but I did. Not because the clubs are boring, but because this club nonsense robbed away my precious time to meet Dazai.

I look at the boy, finally meeting the curiosity-filled teal-blue eyes. He's Kenjiro Takashi — the guy's house I went to deliver the printouts to. Apart from his interesting eye color, everything about this boy screams irresponsible. His black suit is missing, the white shirt that was supposed to go under his suit is worn loosely — revealing his pathetic attempt at tucking it inside his black pants, and even the black tie hanging from his neck is loose. Regardless of his style, he passed the entrance exam with a perfect hundred. 

"The same old." I hold up the blank club application form between my thumb and index, dangling it before Takashi's eyes, "I still don't have a club to join."

"Ooh~" He speaks in a feathery voice, lightly pulling a strand of his messy raven hair that's standing over his head like a spike, "Last time you checked out the archery club, right?"

"Yeah, I did." I take a deep breath and sit down on my seat. My seat is directly placed on Takashi's right side, it gets really inconvenient for me when he strikes up a chat, I rarely ever succeed in getting out of the small talk. "It didn't go well. My family doesn't want me to play with sharp objects."

"And you broke some of the bows." His vexingly mischievous voice makes me wanna groan. It's as if my ability to create constant trouble is his number-one source of entertainment in the entire class. "You used your ability and got into trouble."

"That's because Kenjiro-kun," I give him an irritated glance, "The annoying club member was telling me to pull faster."

"So you used super speed?" The girl behind me speaks. I turn to her. She has beautiful silver blonde hair, curling its way down to her chest. Ishikawa Yumi, at least half the boys in this class have a crush on her. 

"He didn't specify how fast." I shrug defensively, making both of them laugh out loud. A faint smile draws on my lips too, the situation was kind of funny, Dazai would've loved it.

"Still, what are you gonna do with this?" A tired voice comes from in front of me. I look at him, his round eyeglasses and uptight attitude remind me of Ango at times. He is Tasaki Shino, Our hard-working class captain who endures everyone's shit, especially mine. "Should I just put out a random club in it for you?"

I sigh, "Don't worry about it anymore... I've taken care of it."

His hazel gaze surveys my face worriedly, "What did you do?"

"Well, the school's election is in two weeks right?" I speak slowly, "I told the teacher I'm running for the adviser's position... which should give me two more weeks before choosing a club."

"What?" Takashi screams out, standing up to slam both his hands on my desk, "You're running in the election? Holy shit! Why didn't you tell me that?"

"Is... it a big deal?"

"Of course it is!" Shino yells too, making my forehead gain another crinkle, "You should've told me before you told it to the teacher!"

"Well, I kinda just said whatever came on the tip of my tongue... " I rub the side of my neck, "And I'm not planning on winning the election."

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