"You don't want me..." I breathed, selfishly leaning into his touch. But I quickly pull away.
"I'm different and so not your type," I muttered, looking everywhere else but at him. He frowns slightly, eyes simmering.
"God, Anna." He exhaled, cool bre...
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'...enjoy every moment while it happens, and cherish it when it becomes a memory.'
February 14
During the early hours of the morning, I heard some shuffling in the bedroom. When I say early- I mean early, early. Whoever was walking around was not trying at all to be discreet. I love my sleep, so I didn't bother to ask the tall hunk of a man what he was doing. A few minutes later, I felt a soft pair of lips leave a wet kiss on my head before walking out and shutting the door as quietly as he could. But I heard him.
Adjusting myself properly, I fell back into a deep sleep.
At around 8:00 am, My eyes fluttered open at the sound of my phone buzzing on the nightstand. Adjusting my eyes to the bright sunlight seeping through the opened curtains , I sat up allowing the covers to fall on my lap.
Only God knows how I ended up on Michael's side of the bed snuggling up his pillow. Slowly moving over to my side of the bed, I picked up the phone answering the call.
"Hello" I spoke into the phone, my voice sounding a little groggy . Uh! I need to drink some water, I sound like Kermit the frog right now.
"Hi, my love," I frown. The deep voice replied.
Who's that? I immediately took the phone off my ear looking at the caller ID,
"Oh! Hi," I chirped, laughing at myself. My mind is still sleeping, I'm just not a morning person. Don't push it, let me wake up by myself if you want to live . I didn't bother to look at the number before even picking up the call.
Another one of the bad habits I have.
"Uh...why are you calling me pretty boy?" I rolled my eyes as I got out of the bed walking into the bathroom. I had to pee so badly.
Placing the phone between my ear and shoulder I proceeded to do my business.
"Come downstairs," he demands. So calm, soft , yet authoritative
"why?" my nosey self asked as I squeezed some toothpaste on my toothbrush.
He was silent on the other end listening to me ramble
"Today is not my birthday nor yours—oh my, I didn't forget our anniversary did i. Wait- what's today's-" then it dawned on me
"it's February 14th my love" he replied, chuckling richly.
"No, you didn't!" I yelled into the phone, before rinsing my mouth. "oh my gash" I tried speaking with water in my mouth. After cleaning up my self, I carefully rushed out of the bathroom towards the bedroom door.