"You don't want me..." I breathed, selfishly leaning into his touch. But I quickly pull away.
"I'm different and so not your type," I muttered, looking everywhere else but at him. He frowns slightly, eyes simmering.
"God, Anna." He exhaled, cool bre...
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"Good morning."
Michael bends over, planting a kiss on my lips. My heart beat escalates and the heart monitor beeps in agreement.
"Morning..." I whisper looking everywhere but at him because I could feel the warmth creeping into my cheeks.
He chuckled, those dark eyes remained on me drilling a hole into the side of my face.
" breakfast?" He offered, looking over at me when I finally turned to face him.
"Yes." I clasped my hands together with a smile.
"Okay." He struts to the edge of the bed and drags the rolling cart over with different varieties of food.
"Coffee!" I blurt out before he could start and He laughs, " okay..."
"Thank you." I mutter under my breath as he handed it over to me. Loads of whip cream, delicious.
"Pick your choice my love."
I scan the other things on hand. There's about four different sandwiches here.
"Um... I'll just do the steak, egg and cheese bagel please."
Breakfast was awesome. But I think I'm too full. Michael excused himself to answer a phone call after I literally had to kick him out to take it. He's being difficult and I can't say I warned you. I assured him a hundred times that I was fine yet he almost decided not to. I waddle out of the bathroom to find him back and quietly seated on the couch with expression on his face that looked like he was deep in thought.
"Everything okay?"
I scan his face. The cuts from his fight with Jesse seems to be healing well and I don't even have to ask, I know he was a handful already. If they tried to help him first without taking care of me.
He sighed, opening up his arms inviting me to come over. " yes. Just work stuff."
I slowly walked over to him, he stands and takes my hand in his dragging me to the bed.
He ignores me with a smile and picks me up, lowering me onto the soft mattress. When he told me this was a private suit I almost bit his head off. He's feeling bad enough already so I just let him be. Whenever the nurse came around to check on me, he would hover around until they left. And I couldn't help myself either, Dr. Johnson has caught me reading my own chart and says, "you can't do that missy. Let me do my job." Then we both break into laughter. I don't know what I would have done without him. He's an amazing doctor, I just hope I get to work with him soon.