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'my wife is five months, three weeks pregnant

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'my wife is five months, three weeks pregnant.'


Anna's baby bump has been growing and i'm still trying to wrap my mind on how fast time was running. It's been a few days since going over to my parents house to serenade Anna with my exquisite Mother's Day plans , which I know was quite cheesy but I had to and it didn't go as I had planned but it's fine because i redeemed my fall when she allowed me to come along to her doctors appointment. I didn't expect it. The prickly feeling on my neck returned when I thought about it. I actually hoped she would let me and she did. The night before i had spent the whole time watching videos on how to make pancakes because i overheard that it's what she loves eating now.
I guess the pancakes did the trick. For the past months, I've been trying to get into her good graces. A few more days and she would be six months pregnant with our baby.

17more weeks left.


I run a hand over my face, straightening myself in my chair. It's been a hectic morning for me at the office. So many things are going down to shit. Kim Kageyama Is delaying the proposal for our expansion in Korea. The apartments and condos set to be available in spring  have been delayed as well due to some fucking property issues, and it's almost summer time!

I'm honestly losing my fucking mind and can't keep still. All my hard work is crumbling into dust and Deep down I know Delatorre is behind the fucking act.
The 'congressional plaza' construction project to supply more space for shops is running smoothly and should be opened in a few weeks. retail is going on well and the real estate is progressing as well. The Vitality hotels across board have reported good news only and I'm satisfied with the outcomes and progress. It's just—The telephone blares.

"Michael speaking." I barked into the telephone the moment I picked it up and the disembodied voice on the other end quivers a little.

"G-good morning sir, this is Edgar from the real-"

"Get to the point."

"Y-yes sir. We have a buyer. Anthony Montgomery, for the 1970's house located on the hill-"

I was already out of my seat the second he said the word hill.
This morning can't get any worse, can it?!
Del'co is advancing its prospects and everything at the eastern vitality tower is going sideways and now his pathetic step-son wants to buy the property that belongs to my wife!.

I run my fingers through my hair and release a deep exhale.


"That house is not supposed to be on the buyers list for sale, Edgar!"

"But sir, it's a genuine offer and selling it would close the deal for the spring exposition sir."

"Have you not been told that I never repeat myself." I grit my teeth.

SAVING LOVE:Book 1 of The Padmore Tower seriesWhere stories live. Discover now