"You don't want me..." I breathed, selfishly leaning into his touch. But I quickly pull away.
"I'm different and so not your type," I muttered, looking everywhere else but at him. He frowns slightly, eyes simmering.
"God, Anna." He exhaled, cool bre...
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A bright shinning light...I'm back again. To the same place. Serene, peaceful space. Nothing hurts here, my body is not filled with the cruel aches anymore. I feel fine...yet the only thing I wish I had here was my family. My little Amalie, and Michael. I looked around, and slowly things began to shift around. Green grass sprouts from the ground and pretty flowers starts to fill the place. i gently spin around din awe of the beauty. i could hear the resounding waves of the ocean slapping against each other. calling me, to bask in the cool feel of its waters. i took a step forward. to go in search for it.
"You left them." A croaky, yet lavender voice spoke. I whirled around and there she was.
"Granny?" My heart races as i looked at the woman a few feet away from me. she was dressed in white flower patterned dress. her beautiful golden brown skin so bright and radiant.
"The one and only." She said laughing. A sob britches my lips. she was here and i couldn't fathom how that was possible. i was just laying down with Michael by my side and Amalie slumbering off like an angel beside me.
She opened her arms up to me, welcoming me "my darling girl..." Tears clouded my vision. She was here. she's here with me and I can finally be with her.
Slowly, I walked over the smooth green bed of the sort of garden we where at. i started running across the threshold. running As fast as I could into her arms. A feeling i've yearned for so long when her arms enveloped me. It felt like it always did. Safe, loving. Her arms always welcomed me, comforted me when I was in distress or hurting. It was her. It's always been her.
"I missed you." I cried into her arms, wrapping my arms so tight around her like she could disappear any second. She held onto me, caressing my hair like she always did, whispering sweet nothings to me.
" I missed you too. You've done so well, I am proud of you Anna." She started and I pulled back from her with a frown. We were finally together. An endless time where she could talk my ears off and I wouldn't mind at all. Recovering lost times with her. so why would was she talking like that.
"Anna, dear..." she cupped my cheeks and I closed my eyes savoring her touch. "You have to go back darling." She said softly her eyes looking over me with tenderness.
"But I just got here."
"You're not here to stay sweetie," her soft palms caressed my cheeks. I searched her face frantically shaking my head. " i can't let you stay, Amalie and Michael need you." she repeated.
"But, i died. a-and i do want to back. there's no turning back." i said.
"yes, there is dear." she smiled at me and warm tears rush down my cheeks.
"You're almost at the finish line darling, I know...because I've been with you through it all. It's time to cross threshold and finish the race."
" no..." I whispered. " I can't...Michael he-"
"He holds nothing against you." She finished for me. No. i lied to him and i...it's my fault. everything that has happened, happened because of me. I broke a promise. And...i could have told him about everything and i know the man i'm in love with would have forsaken everything to come back home and protect me.
"i can't go back Granny. i tried to fight. i fought hard, and so... maybe, this is it."
she shakes her head and pins me with on of her serious stares that she gives when she refuses to see me give up. "i never pegged you for a quitter." Her hands slip down to my arms, and slowly she grabs my hands into her warm, soft ones.
My lips quivers, a sob slipping out. "But, I'm so, so tired."
"You're strong my darling. a powerful woman who won't stop till she has what she prayed for. Anna, darling. the wave hasn't crushed against the shore yet. The road might be dusty and everything will not always be fine. but because of your little family, you have to fight. ride the wave to the shore darling, your dream awaits." she placed her hand on my heart and some sort of rush-power surges through me. "Your heart is-you have a big heart and your little family needs it, your friends need it... and the world needs it."
"Granny..."fresh tears falling as she stepped away from me.
" I'm proud of the woman you are. the life and the family you have created for yourself. You're everything Keilah wanted to be but didn't become. So, I know, you are her Miracle."
i sobbed trying to hold onto her longer. to feel her warm embrace around me. her loving kindness. "I love you, so much." I said and she laughs softly, smiling as her own tears glistening and sparkling off her golden face.
"And I love you more, my darling." she stretched her hand towards me, as if to touch me one last time, but the threshold had suddenly divided, a huge gap separating us. " I've been with you, and I will always be with you." I watch as she slowly faded away, darkness swarming the once beautiful garden and I'm sucked into it.
"Wake up, Anna." Her voice filled my heart once more and then everything went quiet. It was up to me to fight my way out of the abyss and go back to my little family. my prized possession.
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