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"Good morning Grace" I smile, walking up to her desk. Her head quickly snaps up finding who said her name, Her lips tug up into a grin.

"Anna." her eyes spotting some wrinkles at the sides. She got up from her seat, meeting me halfway to pull me in for a hug. After I left our home with Zara, the rest of February went by in a blur. It's probably not a good idea coming to the vitality tower, but I just want to get this over with. Michael hasn't made an effort to talk to me, or even check on me. Whenever I came over to the Tower it was to see Mason and because Michael knew when and where I'll be he always came to find me. But after we got married, the situation with Nathan wasn't getting any better so I stopped visiting. No sushi or whatever.

I've been the one trying to patch things up between us and I haven't so much as seen my husband. Nor has he even tried to get in touch with me. So here I am. The fact that he's treating me like I am responsible for what's happening because I was kind to Nathan and he took it the wrong way is why I keep trying to clear my dignity. Michael knows me better. I told him the truth and nothing else. But today-today ends it all. I came here to talk to him and however it ends will determine the future of our marriage.

The private suite on the last floor of the tall building that housed his office was not too big nor small. The large windows have a beautiful view of the city beneath it. Nothing has changed. His office had the small cubicle at the front a few spaces before his door. a desk and a chair with a computer for his assistant.

It was here. I met him here just about six years ago.

A sigh escapes my lips as I pull away from the old lady in front of me. She gently ushers me in further,

"I'm sorry dear, but Michael is in a meeting." She offered me a seat at her desk before she took hers. I brush my hands over the long sleeved ivory knee length sweater dress I had on,

"it's alright. I'll wait for him.'' I smile.

Winter did not come to play this year with a cruel chill in the air crippling every muscle in the body. In my life, there's just a few people I expect the hope I have in them to shrivel up into thin air. My mother. I love her as a daughter but I hate her, if that is possible. But I never imagined or dreamt of this day in my marriage. Of course there won't be sunshine all the time. There will be rainy days and stormy nights. I just didn't expect them from the one person I shared my heart with.

Hope comes with disappointments we never expect. January 1st was the best day of my life, so memorable and heartwarming. I got to spend it with my husband, we cuddled, watched some movies and in between he answered a few work calls. But he still kept his promise. He spent it with me. Then we had an amazing time; making love at the cabin for a valentine's getaway.To think the next day would end with the worst form of pain. I could never imagine.

SAVING LOVE:Book 1 of The Padmore Tower seriesWhere stories live. Discover now