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" My wife is eight months pregnant and I can't wait to meet our princess

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" My wife is eight months pregnant and I can't wait to meet our princess...or our little man as she says."




I immediately opened my eyes at the sound of her trembling voice. sitting up, I turn on the bedside lamp, with my heart in my throat at the thought of her being hurt.

" yes my love, what's wrong?" I speak calmly, giving her a weak smile.

My wife hardly ever wakes up in the middle of the night. unless she was hungry or as she would say to me with a glare 'your child is kicking my bladder' and then she tries to get up from bed and waddles to the bathroom refusing my help, but i hold onto her anyway.

But now, it feels different.

she was awake, but with a pained expression and it's hard to watch her like that. something was wrong and I hate that I don't know what to do or how to fix it or help her.

Anna loves her sleep, she won't wake up for no reason. These past few days she's been busy working on the free clinic she wants to open for the community and tires herself out. Hence,she sleeps in more now.
Ofcourse there are positive things that have happened in these couple of months. And I'm always in awe to learn something new that has happened in her.

Anna's grown more beautiful. She glows in a way that I can't explain but long to stare at her for as long as I can. Her bump has grown more round and beautiful. She complains about her stretch marks coming in but they make me want her even more.

she sleeps more and eats more and her mood swings are my favorites. One moment she's happy the next moment she's all salty and teary eyed.

Everything has been going well. Everything about her pregnancy has been beautiful and I'm in awe of her strength.

"What's hurting?, talk me love" I asked, turning on my side to face her. She winced, soft pants britches her lips. Her brows crease with discomfort. She holds her head i taking in a couple breaths before rubbing her temples. a pained expression adorning her beautiful face it makes my heart clench that she's hurting somewhere and I can't do anything about it.

"p-please help me up." she whispers to me but still tries to sit up by herself.
Without a second thought, i was up, moving over to help her sit up.

"Anna, what's happening?" I drop to my knees in front of her, rubbing her bump absentmindedly. Drawing a content sigh out of my wife. She closes her eyes, grabbing onto my arm as another wave of pain hits.

It's like I just have this urge to always have my hands around her bump. Occasionally, when we are seated enjoying each others company, I just rub it.
It feels good. It's kinda like creating a connection with my child. And now, if that's all that I can do to help—

SAVING LOVE:Book 1 of The Padmore Tower seriesWhere stories live. Discover now