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It went past getting our mani's and pedicure's done. and have do whatever girlies do. We ate lunch. The girls grabbed some groceries from Gabe's for their apartment. We Walked around downtown Pavilon for a while just enjoying the wonderful breeze spring bestowed on us. Soon, I had to go in to the salon to get my hair braided into some long knotless braided with curls dangling out of it. It wasn't that agonizing but my butt was sore and cramped from all the sitting. Zelma and Aaliyah wandered off to God knows where to pass some time. By 4pm, we were done. I stopped by old George's flower garden to pick up some fresh flowers to drop it off for Miya. When we made it to the cemetery, the girls decided to stay in the car just to give me some alone time. And I appreciated that.

There were quite a number of fresh flowers laying in her tombstone. Maybe her mom already stopped by or satan's spawn actually still has a piece of his heart
I tried not to spill some tears, but they flowed down anyway with the sudden rush of emotions that attack me. memories we've had together. I filled her in on life and everything that went down these past months. I talked to her about her lover boy and asked her to scare him off in his dreams since he's giving me a hard time. I also told her that I think he's trying to move on. So she should give him a sign so he can be at peace.

As usual, I blow her a kiss, set down her fresh flowers, then I promise to come back and see her again.
Zelma and Aaliyah quickly got out of the car, rushing towards me. Probably because of the sobs that broke out, shaking my entire being.
"It's okay."
"Let it all out."
They both speak at the same time. Wrapping their arms around me. We just stood there, waiting for the tears to dry out. Soon they do, and we walk back to the car. i get in the passenger's side to calm my self down during the ride to Aaliyah's apartment. Zelma, takes her time on the road, but we made it in one piece to the apartment complex. We shared a tight hug one last time.

"Text when you get home?." Aaliyah says

"yea." i say.  I watch them walk towards their apartment with the shopping bags in hand,

" love you."  i called and both turn to wave before going inside and  I drive off heading back to the Padmore's.


When I pulled up into the compound, it's was almost 6pm. Michael's car was still sitting there, but Jesse's truck was gone.
A wave of headache almost knocks me over when my feet touch the ground.
"Woah." My fingers gripped the car door tightly.
Not today.
I breathe in and out, slowly. I do that a couple of times. The nausea subsided for a bit. I take that opportunity to grab my bag, lock the car and head inside. I did this to myself. Today has been the most active one since i've been at home. taking it easy. Normally when I go out, I don't walk around much, my current shifts are short. and i'm allowed to sit when needed. or It's just a quick errand and then I'm back inside.
But today, I outdid myself. Which I shouldn't be doing.

SAVING LOVE:Book 1 of The Padmore Tower seriesWhere stories live. Discover now