"You don't want me..." I breathed, selfishly leaning into his touch. But I quickly pull away.
"I'm different and so not your type," I muttered, looking everywhere else but at him. He frowns slightly, eyes simmering.
"God, Anna." He exhaled, cool bre...
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Coming back to Pavilon was a hate and love moment. i was excited to come back because i get to go back to work and do what i love, but then again the 99 problems i have will just come crashing back.
My mother's text messages flood my phone. Michael's never ending pursuit and just — i'm loosing it.
I'm now four months into my pregnacy and i'm yet to go for my chack up this week. during my time away i didnt have any complications i was fine. I relaxed most of the time and enjoyed the little peace i had to myself until Zelma was trying to find me a boyfriend and then Aaliyah pulled her ears and you know the drill—their love hate banter started. but it was the most amazing trip ever and I'm glad I selfishly gave in. i was at the beach every passing day, reading a book and sipping on ice cold, freshly squeezed fruit juices that had me craving for more.
Mason and my father have called to check in on me. Mondays are not my thing but today, i'm glad. i normally work 40 hours but i can't do that anymore, the most i do now is 16 hours. And you best believe whispers are going around the hospital saying I'm getting special treatment.
"Good morning! time for rounds people!"
Gina struts in and assembles the nursing students. She's the chief resident now and I'm a resident now—so fulfilling. she hands over the patient binders yelling out orders.
"Anna, you're on Cardio floor today. i have 5118 through to 5060 for you! Trisha!-" she goes on delivering each assignment and dismisses the assembly.
"how great, i get the P.S.Y.C.H floor..." Trisha spells out mockingly,walking past me.
" You've got this." i call after her and she just laughs.
"lets go people!" i call to my interns and they scurry down the hall behind me and I smile up at the ceiling.
it's good to be back, i should say.
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'My wife is currently four months, two weeks pregnant.'