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"Appreciate little moments in your life...because they don't always stay forever"


"Anna-Mara Padmore" a young lady walked over to me. she must be a nurse...maybe a doctor. am not sure. She's dressed in a light blue scrubs. She had a beautiful golden brown complexion and pretty blue eyes, so gorgeous. she had on what I assume is a lab coat over it and her dark hair was sleeked back into a small bun.

She's gorgeous.

she doesn't really look that old...she must be about my age or younger-

"Doctor Johnson is ready for you now" she spoke politely with a smile.

"Thank you" I returned her smile getting up from my warm seat. My mother and I quietly followed her down the hallways of the hospital as she led us to dr. Johnson's office.

The white walls of this hospital are very familiar, since I've been here for quite sometime for my past appointments during my first trimester.
"we are here" the nurse announces before tapping the door slightly with her balled fist. "thank you..." I glanced down at her name tag "Abby".

" you're welcome, have a wonderful day" she smiled, excusing her self. Turning on her heels, she walked down the hallway till she was out of sight.

Now its time for me to go in there and face whatever is in stored for me behind those doors.

"Anna?" I could see my mothers mouth moving but I could not hear what she was saying. her brows were furrowed as she starred at me.

"Are you okay honey?" my mother asked, worry lines creased her forehead. I guess she noticed how I released shallow rapid breaths. I am worried.

'you can't allow fear to answer you before you find out the truth...I might not be so bad.' the little voice whispered.

I just starred back at her. not saying a word. it's like I was waiting for her to just say something to me. I needed her assurance, that all was well. I know we just had an argument and I haven't given myself the chance to ask all the questions I had piled up to ask her.

I know that sometimes I might act like I don't need help or comfort or...anything. but sometimes I just need her. I just need to hear her voice saying sweet nothings to me. Maybe growing up for a while without her around has affected me...and its just now that I am realizing it. all along I thought I was strong...that I could do anything without her because i'd done it before. Maybe not this time. I'm at the hospital l. I feel fine but whatever news I get today would determine the future I want.

"AnnaMara?" Keilah Johanson stepped close to me with a fixed gaze on me. then she gave me a breathtaking smile. my mother had smiled a lot of times, but this one was different. she didn't have to say anything...I knew the message she was cutting across. her smile held all the words. it had the comfort I was looking for. lifting up her hands she palmed my cheeks, caressing it. I closed my eyes, leaning towards her warm touch blinking back unshed tears.

"everything is fine. Don't worry" she whispered before pulling me in her embrace pecking my head softly. I nodded my head.

I lifted up my head, once again making eye contact with the door that separated me from whatever news I would receive today-

'positive news' my conscience reminded me.

without wasting more time I clasped my hand around the door knob opening it. then I walked in.

"Anna dear!" the old man beamed. I did not miss the crinkle in his eyes as he smiled at me when I walked in. He got out of his seat meeting me half way with a hug. "hmm" I hummed. for some odd reason I felt relief wash over me. It was comforting.

SAVING LOVE:Book 1 of The Padmore Tower seriesWhere stories live. Discover now