"You don't want me..." I breathed, selfishly leaning into his touch. But I quickly pull away.
"I'm different and so not your type," I muttered, looking everywhere else but at him. He frowns slightly, eyes simmering.
"God, Anna." He exhaled, cool bre...
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So... I did a thing. I made a game of mine. If I'm nice to him in a day, the next time he shows up I give him a hard time.
I forgave him so the game has to end?
Certainly not. Since he's enjoying the hunt, the fun can't just end.
It's been two weeks since our reunion. And a week since, I broke down in our home during our weekend together. later, that night after we ate dinner, Michael prepared the most soothing bath and we both relaxed in there, just enjoying the peaceful intimacy that sparked and when I kissed him he broke it off.
"Why are you holding back?" I ask, leaning into him. "I won't love anything more than to be buried deep inside you right now, Anna. But that's not why I want you back." He quietly says, strong rough hands brush my arms. eyes that only grow tender for me looking over my face and my heart swells. "I don't just—It's been long since I've held you like this and I just want to embrace it. All of you. Your touch, your mind, your soul and of course your body." His words fall on my chest leaving a soft kiss there before tugging me as close as he could get.
On Sunday, his mother invited us to dinner, but he refused to go. Zelma filled me in and said it wasn't a disaster and even Jesse attended. Maybe i should get him to attend the next one. something tells me, Zara is going to invite us over again this coming weekend. Hope is not here yet. but I can say things are looking good.
Michael loves his job. He loves to work. The thought of him being idle while he could be at the office working or checking in on the other operations he's managing is rare. But off late ,he's been making a good effort putting our little family first. When I had my doctor's appointment the other day, he materialized out of nowhere and he showed up with some lovely red roses for me and a passionate kiss on my lips. When I asked why he left work, he said,
" I own the company baby bird. You're my Priority , I always have time for you, my love. Always."
Ugh. My stupid heart.
Last night, We went out for dinner. after the drive back to his parents, he walked me back to his old room. Something that has become a habit since he comes over to his parent's estate more often now. He made sure I was tucked in. gave me the sweetest, gentle kiss that had me rethinking my decision of asking him to leave. Then he rumbled a few goodbye's and I love you's and so many thank you's. When he's with me, I love that he's comfortable enough to be such a big baby with me. My heart was just so full. He sounded sad but his eyes told a different story. I would love to go back to our home with him. when he asked when I wanted to come back, I couldn't give him an answer yet. I don't want to rush things. I am thankful for this experience though it hurt and still stings. I've learned.