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" The proposition cannot be changed!" My father roars slamming a black folder against the thick mahogany table.
This morning Zephan called in for an urgent meeting once the numbers were finalized. It turns out our father didn't sell just two hotels but our villas up by the shores have been sold to Del'co as well. I'm in charge of the real estate developments and Hotel management and constructions, And he did all this fucking shit behind my back.

It's been a rough morning for me. One, for starters my temper is ragging. I had pull away from my wife and roll out of bed and didn't get the chance to say goodbye, because I didn't want to disrupt her sleep-just to come here and listen to this fucking mess.
Secondly, he's been going back and forth with his decision and won't change his mind.

"There's been a few changes." His tired eyes swept between us. There were three other board of directors, Jesse, Zephan, Mason and I and then my father and no one else.

There was a brief moment of stale silence.

"Admit you fucked us all up." I let out a low growl, trying to remain calm.
The old man's lips twitched a deep frown on his face. The minutes ticked away and he didn't utter a word.

"Some decisions I've made-I'll admit they were wrong." He finally said in a flat tone. "That is why I've drawn up a new fine print for the company before leaving it in your hands."

"It's always been in our hands." Zephan spoke up, a rough sound at the back of his throat. His brown eyes were intense with a silent rage.

"Precisely..." the old man chimes his eyes swiftly moved between us.
I'm so Fucking angry I can't even think of anything to say to him. He looks defeated and worn out. But something's not right. There's more to it than he's let on.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Jesse mutters his nose flared as he glared at the old man.

"Kageyama's deal with the Korea expansion still stands. We set up for his expansion in the United States, we get ours  and the deal is closed." He croaks.

"What about Del'co?, they've been sniffing our butts, tailgating. Because you let them in."
Mason gravels unpleasantly. He looked so done with this shit as I was. And if we don't stop our father now he would ruin everything we worked so hard to build. He might be the founder/president whatever the hell he considers himself to be , but right now he's calling the wrong shots.

"There's more to this than you're letting on." Zephan said gruffly putting the jumbled puzzle pieces together. He leans back into his seat And for the first time I caught a glimpse of distress from him.

The room goes silent. All eyes on the man at the head of the table. My father never lets his guard down that easily but I sensed something was wrong because he was willing gave up.

" we've  dropped down the Fortune 500 List. We used to be number 1 but now we are in 2nd place." He rubs his face frantically.
My brows bump Together in confusion trying to pick up what he's getting at.

"There's a lot of deals I've accepted on behalf of this cooperation that has no legal documents to prove it-I thought we could make it- to win this endless battle. it's all I fucking wanted." He said, his voice going up with every other word that followed.
There's something wrong. The man from a few days ago is not the fucking man sitting right In front of me.

SAVING LOVE:Book 1 of The Padmore Tower seriesWhere stories live. Discover now