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"I guess, mistakes are bound to happen."

Previously...on The Padmore's Tower


"Mason" the disembodied voice called out softly the moment we stepped out heading towards my car. I turned around. And there she was, her dark hair framing her face.

my brother hesitated, taking in a sharp breath. his eyes glued to hers. then her name slipped past his lips.



He didn't sound pleased or unhappy. there were no emotions evident.

"Mason, are you okay?" I voiced breaking the silence. the tension between these two cant go unrecognized. my brows furrowed.

he just stared at her, not saying a word. I tried to catch a glimpse of whatever he was feeling but there was nothing.

he hid it so well.

I noticed his clenched jaw and the small but sharp intake of breath he did. "Maybe we should just go"

"No, wait!" she uttered. taking a few steps closer to us. she slowly inched closer giving me a good view of her. her baby blue orbs looked lighter compared to when I last saw her. she had bags under her eyes and what appeared to be a bruise on her cheek.

my goodness, what happened.

I wanted to ask if she was okay. she looked troubled.

but then again I didn't want to set off any alarms.

you're not prying. that's who you are. being kind.

"What do you want?" Mason spoke, I was a little taken back by the chill in his voice. he sounded cold, hurt?

why is she here?

"Mason-" he raised his hand interrupting me.


"What is the problem, Anastasia?" I continued softly. she nodded before speaking. "I know this probably looks weird but I was over at your house but you were not home-"

"just say what you have to say Anastasia!" my brother growled.

her eyes widened, hurt seeping through for a while then it was gone. I guess she expected it.

I took a few steps closer to her. if he doesn't want to hear what she has to say, I do.

the past is in the past. unless he's upset with her about something else.

"Anna!" Mason sent a glare my way like that would stop me. ignoring him, I spoke gently to her "go ahead, please."

she nodded, closing the space between us. and what she disclosed was something I wasn't prepared to hear.

"You're in danger. please, don't leave your parent's home. that's the last place h-he will try to look for you." her eyes were on mason the whole time. it looked like she was pleading with him to believe her.

but I did.

for some reason, I believe her. my heartbeat quickened. "what?"

"I can't say much, but please don't leave. Nathan-"

"Stop!" my brother stepped forward grabbing her by her arm pulling her into him.

I gasped. "Mason?"

it wasn't harsh. he stared down, towering over her petite frame.

SAVING LOVE:Book 1 of The Padmore Tower seriesWhere stories live. Discover now