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i haven't seen him in a week and he shows up like this? A stubble shadowed his jaws, bags under his eyes. He's pushing himself, probably running off no sleep. His fluffy curls were quite a mess, they've grown since I last saw him slightly falling over his eyes . The CEO of a multi billion corporation looked like he could barely go by. Michael doesn't look like Michael.

Did you look in the mirror? I wanted to say.

I released a sigh before nodding at Gina, assuring her that I was fine.

"Call me if you need me," she said, offering a little smile before she walked out, closing the door behind her.

It's just you and him in a room, alone...together again.

I don't think she expected that reaction out of me. Heck, I didn't even think I would lose my balance like that.

"Working yourself to oblivion?"

He chuckles, looking down. "You know me so well. But no, I can't get any work done without thinking about you, Anna." His voice comes out in a low tone.

I roll my eyes.

"Please." I walked in further, chewing at the insides of my cheek. pushing the cart that housed the first aid kit and other essential stuff towards the bed. The quicker I get this done the faster I can escape his heated gaze on me.

"Anna." his voice sounds raspy-like it hurts to speak.

What the hell did he do to himself?

I busied myself with putting the supplies together, avoiding him. the poor hospital bed groaned under his weight when he shifted himself, getting up.

"Stay right there," I muttered, halting his steps towards me. I have my guard up but my insides are going crazy and I know, he knows that I'm worried about him. One touch from him and that will be the end of my tough facade. And I hate that he knows how bad his touch affects me.

"sit. down. Michael!" I warn and his lips pursed, brows drawing close in thought as his eyes fell to my trembling form. I realized my hands were shaking when the cotton balls I grabbed fell out onto the floor.

damn it.

and he tried again in hopes to help me, "I swear to God Michael..." I glare, pointing my finger at him.

he backed up, lowering himself onto the bed.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I say out loud in frustration not expecting an answer. my lips quivered, the lump in my throat became hard to swallow as he remained silent, just staring at me. Michaels lips twitch, a smile dangled at the corners.

"He deserved it," he says, catching the attention of my eyes. then they slowly dropped to his hands covered with-is that blood? I managed a neutral expression but my heart constricted in a painful way.

SAVING LOVE:Book 1 of The Padmore Tower seriesWhere stories live. Discover now