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None pov:

At the afternoon:
At Kimmin mansion:

Returning home after a taxing day at the office, Mn felt a surge of anger and fatigue. Unleashing his frustration, he stormed into the bedroom, undoing his ties with an exasperated sigh. Yg, calmly reading documents on the bed, acknowledged Mn's presence and paused his work.

Yg: So? How was your day, Mr. Kim?

Mn exploded with pent-up anger, slamming his bags on the floor and growling, "After making me overwork in the name of my duties, how do you expect my day to be great, huh?"

Undeterred, Yg approached Mn, picked up the thrown bags, and placed them back on the table. Standing before Mn, he spoke in a calm tone.

Yg: Gukie's Appa.

Mn remained silent.

Yg: Calm down. It's our home, not our office.

Mn attempted to protest but was cut off by Yg.

Yg: I hope you know the rules here, right?

Recalling the house rules established to maintain a peaceful environment, Mn tried to argue.

Mn: Yg—(interrupted by Yg)

Yg: I expect you not to break our promises.

Mn, halted in his tracks, remained silent. Frustrated for not venting his anger, he resisted the urge to self-harm, knowing Yg would respond with a different form of punishment. Instead, he stormed towards the table, throwing things around in a bid to release his pent-up emotions.

Yg stood quietly, watching Mn without uttering a word. Understanding that Mn needed this outlet to express his anger, Yg allowed him the space to vent, acknowledging the unspoken turmoil within his husband.

After Mn finished venting his anger, Yg approached him with a gentle touch on his shoulder. Turning Mn towards himself, Yg placed his palm on Mn's chest, softly rubbing to soothe the tension. Mn, feeling Yg's calming touch, began to relax and breathe more evenly.

Yg: Calm down, Gukie's Appa. Calm down.

Mn continued to relax under Yg's touch, gazing back into his eyes.

Yg: Please, try to control your anger, Gukie's Appa. Just try to control it. It's not good for you. So please, have a hold on yourself.

Mn, still harboring resentment, coldly replied, "You know what made me lose my temper, Gukie's Mama."

Yg sighed, shaking his head.

Yg: It's wrong, Gukie's Appa. It's wrong to put all the blame on me.

Mn remained silent.

Yg: I think you better know why I did that.

Mn protested, moving Yg's hands off his chest.

Mn: No, Gukie's Mama.

Yg looked back at Mn in shock.

Mn: No. I didn't have any faults here. It's all your faults only, Gukie's Mama.

Yg: ...

Mn: You started to mess with me at the office for no reason.

Yg argued, "Gukie's Appa, please. Stop lying now."

Mn: ...

Yg: You know why I did that? You know better, Gukie's Appa.

Mn: ...

Yg: It wasn't me who started to mess first. It was you, Gukie's Appa.

Mn: ...

Yg: You compelled me to act like that because you made me so mad at that time.

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