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In the hushed ambiance of Ygs office, raindrops echoed against the windows as the meeting room cloaked itself in silence. Faint whispers from clients lingered, creating an atmosphere of subdued conversation.

Client 1: Can you believe Mr. Min hired that rude person as his secretary?

Client 2: Seriously, Mr. Kim? It's hard to fathom.

Client 3 interjected, "Hey, enough! Mr. Kim was perfect for his role."

Client 4 supported, "Absolutely right. He handled things well."

Client 5 added, "You don't like him because he doesn't tolerate disruptions."

Tensions rose as Client 2 questioned, "What did you just say?"

Client 4 backed up Client 5, "He's right!"

Sensing the situation escalating, Client 1 intervened, "Let's stop here. It's not our business."

Client 3 retorted, "Should've thought about that earlier."

Client 5 defended, "Mr. Kim's position is none of your concern!"

Client 1 defused, "I'm not interested. Just random talk."

Clients 4, 5, and 3 remained aloof, leaving Client 1 to hastily exit with Client 2.

Client 4 sighed, "Let's move. Mr. Min's company meeting is soon."

Clients 5 and 3 agreed, departing and whispering about the encounter. Meanwhile, Mr. Kim Min, the new secretary, passed by, aware of the discussions that had unfolded.

As Mn overheard the clients' whispers, the painful realization struck him once again. The struggle to be accepted as a regular employee at Ygs company weighed heavily on him. Once a renowned businessman in the city, Mn's transition to a secretary role had not been embraced by his peers, clients, and colleagues.

The stark contrast between Mn's past success and his current position as Yg's secretary fueled a sense of awkwardness and disdain among those who were accustomed to seeing him at the pinnacle of the business world. The mockery and taunts directed at Mn, especially from those privy to the secret that Yg is his wife, only intensified the emotional burden he carried.

This constant scrutiny and criticism had pushed Mn to the limits, subjecting him to deep pain and mental pressure. Frequently relying on his inhaler to alleviate the toxicity around him, Mn found himself suffocating under the weight of societal judgment.

Despite the internal turmoil, Mn chose to walk silently towards Yg's office, the pain in his heart palpable. It had become a routine for him to endure the hurt inflicted by others, keeping the emotional toll hidden within himself. Attempts to share these struggles with Yg had left him feeling ignored, prompting Mn to withdraw and bear the burden alone.

With a heavy heart, Mn proceeded to Yg's office, preparing to fulfill his role of serving Yg's black coffee, all while concealing the profound pain he carried within.

At Ygs office room:

As Yg engaged in a business conversation with Mr. Ciao, Mn entered the room discreetly, carrying a tray adorned with coffee and a fresh cup of black tea. Placing the tray delicately on the table, he stood respectfully before Yg.

Mn: Your coffee and a fresh black tea, sir.

Yg acknowledged with a nod, extending a courteous offer to Mr. Ciao.

Yg: Mr. Ciao, please, take it.

Mr. Ciao responded with a soft smile, accepting the cup of tea and sipping it in his own manner. Yg, without lifting his gaze, issued instructions to Mn.

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