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Yg watched in sorrow as his husband sadly left the room, his heart heavy with emotion.

Time Skip - One Hour:

Busy preparing for work, Yg was interrupted by the ringing of an unknown number. Answering hesitantly, he found himself speaking to Mr. Fred, his lawyer.

Yg: Hello?

Mr. Fred: Mr. Kim?

Yg: Yes, speaking.

Mr. Fred: It's me, Mr. Fred, your lawyer.

Yg: Oh, hello, Mr... (interrupted by Mr. Fred's urgency)

Mr. Fred: Mr. Kim, you need to come to the station immediately. Your husband has found himself in some trouble.

Yg: (taken aback) What? Is he alright, Mr. Fred?

Mr. Fred: To be candid, no. It would be best if you made your way here promptly. Handling the situation without your presence is proving difficult.

Yg: Ok I got it. I will leave right away.

With a sense of urgency, Yg ended the call and hurried to the police station where his husband was causing a commotion.

Yg rushed into the police station, desperation etched on his face as he sought out his lawyer. Frantic with worry, he implored the lawyer to reveal the whereabouts of his husband, only to be led to a scene of chaos and brutality.

His husband stood behind cold metal bars, seething with anger as blood trickled down his battered face. Yg's heart sank at the sight, a mix of fear and sorrow gripping him tight.

Summoning his courage, Yg demanded the officers release his husband, invoking the influence of his powerful status in society. With a swift nod, the officers begrudgingly acquiesced.

Turning to the officer in charge, Yg sought answers about the incident, bracing himself for the grim truth.

The officer's words cut like a knife through the tense air, revealing a web of violence and chaos orchestrated by Yg's own husband. A chilling realization settled over Yg as he absorbed the gravity of the situation.

Each word from the officer painted a damning picture of his husband's actions—assault, abductions, mayhem. Yg's heart clenched with each revelation, his mind racing to comprehend the darkness within his own home.

The officer's voice softened as he recounted the repercussions of his husband's rampage—a trail of injured officers, a manhunt for a missing victim.

Yg stood in stunned silence, his thoughts a tumultuous whirlwind of shame and regret. How did it all come to this? Where had it gone so horribly wrong?

In a moment of clarity, Yg gathered his resolve and faced the officer with a steely gaze. "I will do everything in my power to rectify this chaos," he vowed, a newfound determination flickering in his eyes.

The officer's gratitude was met with a solemn nod from Yg, a silent promise to make amends, to bring order to the chaos his husband had unleashed.

As they left the station, Yg walked alongside his husband, a silent resolve settling within him. The journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, but Yg was determined to navigate the storm, to bring light to the darkness that had consumed them all.


Yg continued to shout at Mn,

Yg: Who do you think you are? A Mafia boss or just a low-life street thug?

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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