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Yg : FUCK~~~MN!!!(screamed in pain and harshly pulled on Mn's hair)

Mn: (immediately stopped and groaned in pain)
Ah~~~~ Yg.

Yg: Fucking slow down, you beast~~~~~ I'm with your baby now..

Mn: (now started to thrust slowly yet deeply while asking back) Why don't you just accept your defeat?

Yg: I won't even if you wreck me. Coz I don't want to be controlled by you again.

Mn: ( thrusts hard ) Are you sure?

Yg:( groaned in pain and pulled Mn's hair more harshly almost tearing them )
Oh gawd! FUCKING YES!!!(Screamed in pain and pleasure)

Seeing Yg crying in pain, Mn completely surrendered himself to Yg. He slowed down and now gently pulled away from Yg. He softly cupped Yg's face and trailed some gentle kisses on Yg's whole face.

Seeing Mn's soft treatment, Yg understood that Mn already had surrendered to himself.
Yg finally felt so much satisfied at this. Coz he knows no matter how much hard it seems to handle the rude and egoistic man like Mn for him, in the end, it's actually easy for him , since this rude and egoistic man, Mn is totally whipped for him.

Mn: Are you ok, Yg? ( asked in a tone full of concern)

Yg: ( softly pant out and whispered back in his tired tone )
Yes. Why did you stop?( asked back)

Mn: I'm surrendering myself to you, so I stopped. I no longer want to continue this deal. ( said in his sad tone)

Yg: Then am I the winner of this deal?(asked eagerly while raising his left eyebrow in surprise)

Mn: ( sadly nodded his head as yes)

Yg: ( felt satisfied at Mn's decision and then stated)
Since I won, that means you've to obey my every words, right?

Mn:( again sadly nodded his head as yes)

Yg: (now gently pushed Mn back and sat on Mn's lap while calmly whispering)
Then my first demand is, I want my old little Mn back.

Mn: (got surprised by Yg's demands) old little Mn? What do you mean by that? Now am I not good enough for you?

Yg: (shook his head as no and then stated clearly)
My old Mn was so soft hearted and obedient to me, which is far different from the Mn that you're now.
Now you've become more egoistic and short tempered person,Mn.

Mn: (looked back at Yg in disbelief)
Egoistic? How ?
How come you call me like that?

Yg: (softly sighed at the already shocked Mn's shocking reaction and then said)
Mn. You know better than me that how. Literally everyone in our family is fed up with your this rude attitudes.


Yg: You didn't even spared our house staffs, Mn.
Remember, how you kicked Elbert from the house because of your ego and temper problem?

Mn:.....( Just kept quiet and balled up his fists in anger)

Yg: ( noticed Mn's body trembling in anger , so he said)
Stop that. ( warned Mn)
Stop shaking in your anger.
You're not allowed to do that before me.

Mn: ( shakes more in anger)

Yg: ( firmly hold on Mn's shoulder and then warned in his husky tone)
I said stop that, Mn. Don't try to disobey me.
Otherwise it won't be so helpful for you.

Mn: ( immediately stopped as he doesn't want to mess with his wife)......

Yg: ( firmly stated in his harsh tone)
Fucking look into my eyes and talk back to me.
We need to talk.

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