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Yg escorted Mn to the restroom of the club. Mn, taken aback by Yg's unexpected possessive demeanor, finally spoke.

Mn: Yg, what's going on? Why did you bring me here?

Yg: (harshly pushes Mn back, speaking angrily) First, tell me, is this the friend you mentioned? Hong Joshua?

Mn: (surprised) Uh, yeah. How do you know him?

Yg: (frustrated chuckle) Of course, I know him. He's my childhood friend.

Mn: (more surprised)

Yg: But it seems you don't know him well.

Mn: (confused) What do you mean?

Yg: What I'm about to say is something you don't know about Joshua.

Mn: (even more confused) What is it?

Yg: Joshua is the only heir to King Lee.

Mn: (shocked) What! He's the King's son?

Yg: (nodding) Yes.

Mn: (cursing to himself) Damn. How did I not realize that?

Yg: (suddenly grabbing Mn's collar, whispering madly) And you dared to flirt with him, huh? Trying to seduce him now?

Mn: (lightly pushing Yg away, responding sternly) That's nonsense, Yg. I could never do something like that. Joshua is just a good friend.

Yg: (accusing) "Good friend" my foot! You're trying to get with him, and that's why you've been coming home late.

Mn: Yg, stop! You're losing it.

Yg: I've been losing it since the day you married me.

Mn stared at Yg, eyes filled with shock and hurt. Without saying anything, he tried to leave, but Yg stopped him in his tracks.

Yg: Mn, stop.

Mn forcefully pushed Yg away and attempted to leave again, only to be cornered against the wall by an insistent Yg.

Yg: I said stop.

Mn: (looking away, speaking coldly) Let me go.

Yg: No. Listen to me first.

Mn: No. I've heard enough.

Yg: Then stay!

Mn: No.

Yg leaned in, planting gentle kisses on Mn's lips. Mn froze, taken aback by Yg's sudden affection.

Yg continued with soft pecks on Mn's lips and whispered,

Yg: Don't be mad, please! I love you. I'm sorry for saying hurtful things.

Mn: (still looking away, upset and unconvinced)

Yg: Baby, please. Don't avoid me. I'm really sorry for my behavior.

Mn: (still not looking back)

Feeling continually ignored, Yg gently cupped Mn's face and drew him into a deep kiss. Mn was shaken, his entire body buzzing with electric sensations. A flurry of invisible butterflies churned in his stomach.

Amidst it all, his intimate desires rose, evident in his aroused state seeking only his husband's love.

Memories from two years ago flashed back slowly.

Yg delicately swirled his tongue inside Mn's mouth, whispering,

Yg: Your taste is amazing, Mn. (Moaned) I crave you more. (Whispered seductively, hands exploring Mn's body)

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