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Time Skip After Someday:

None POV:

Only 2 days left for the internal battle match to begin.
Both Yg and Mn separately prepared themselves with hard and soul for this match. They had separate trainers and they trained themselves with that.

But Mn was hurt at some points. He personally didn't like the trainer of Yg.
Because Ygs trainer was a man who always flirts with Yg and stayed clingy with Yg as much as possible. 

Mn badly wants to punch that man and break the shit out of that man. But again he wants to control himself and first wants to talk to Yg about this.
He wants to let Yg know that he doesn't like the clinginess and flirting of the man. But unfortunately, he wasn't getting the least time to do that.
Because Yg is always busy with his that trainer.

Right now Mn is having his alone time with his life partner over the bed. Because it's already time for their bed and both of them are super exhausted after their long training session.
But still, he wants to initiate it right now. So he cleared his treat and softly called out Yg.

Mn: Honey! (was looking for Ygs's response)

Yg was trying to sleep as he was very exhausted to do anything. 

Yg: hmm? (casually hummed)

Mn: Can we talk?

Yg: (shook his head) Nah. I'm so tired, Mn. (replied with a raspy tone)

Mn: (got impatient to talk with Yg, so he grabbed Ygs waist and pulled Yg near him)
Please, honey. 
It's so important.

Yg:(groaned in dissatisfaction and turned around to face Mn)
Make it fast.

Mn: (sighed at Ygs ignorant response and then started)
Who's training you for the upcoming match?

Yg:( frowned at Mns questions)
Why do you wanna know?

Mn: Just thought of knowing that. 

Yg:(just glared at Mn doubtfully and then replied)
My trainer is Lee Taennie.

Mn:*Lee Taennie* ( repeated the name in his mind)
Is he new in here or...( cut off by Yg)

Yg: (squinted his sleepy eyes frustratingly and then asked)
Why are you suddenly asking these questions?

Mn: ( replied ) I told you, honey. I just thought I needed to know.

Yg: I don't think so you'd be interested in knowing about someone without any reason.

Mn:Honey. I'm just casually asking. Why are you taking it as otherwise? (tried to defend himself)

Yg: Mn. If you're not coming straight to the point then listen, I'm too tired to talk to you right now. So goodnight.

With that Yg again turned his back to Mn and shut his eyes to sleep.

Mn:( sighed and now quickly accepted his defeat before his stubborn wife)
I'm sorry for the delay.  Now I'm coming straight to the point. 
Can you please, turn your back to me?

Yg: ( sighed and turned himself to face Mn again )

Mn: I want you to change your trainer.

Yg:( frowned his eyebrows in shock)
Why should I do that?

Mn: Because I don't like him. He's a total flirt. He doesn't deserve to be your trainer.

Yg:(sighed and now said )
Mn. He's not any flirt. He's my childhood friend. Besides he's been my trainer for years.

Mn: (at first kept quiet for a while after knowing that trainer's relationship with Yg but then calmly stated)
I still don't want him to be your trainer.
I don't like him. And you'll change it if you want to keep our relationship stable.

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