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The situation didn't turn out as simple as Yg thought it'd be after Mn's defeated confession. Rather it turned out to be more complicated now. Personally declaring the defeat before the king wasn't enough for the king to forgive and continue.

The king ordered Mn to have a real match with Yg and then from there depending upon the situation, the king said, he'll declare the winner of the match.

So as expected the Kimmin couple has to helplessly make a real fighting match before the king. Where, as per as everyone's expectations, Yg won and Mn lost the match.
But the real match also caused so much troubles for Yg.
As it was a real match, so Yg has to hurt Mn for real. And unfortunately that hurt Mn in double amount than Yg thought.
Mn's ribs bones cracked and one eye got seriously injured because of Ygs harsh punch.
And these all kinda shocked Yg. Because Yg never imagined Mn to turn out as this weak in physically that now the normal punches of him seemed to turn out as this strong punch for Mn that he had to end up at hospital for the treatment.

Currently Yg is at hospital for Mn's treatment. His kids, parents(his father too) also came there to visit Mn.

Mr. Min aka Yg's father now kinda looked too kind and helpful towards the Kimmin couple. And recently, it got noticed by all. Everyone was surprised by this. Even Mn and Yg too.
But recently upon seeing his helpful and kind behavior, they also decided to give the old man a chance to repent for his evil deeds too.

Besides after the match, it was him(Mr.Min) who rushed the injured Mn to the hospital and requested the king to let Yg accompany him while leaving the prize ceremony function.
And upon his request, the king cancelled the ceremony and kept the ceremony function at some other time .

Currently Yg is quietly sitting beside the injured Mn and was caressing his head to make him feel better.
And Mr. Min was also quietly standing at one corner while facing his wife and grandkids.

Jk: The doctor told me to make you stay here for tonight.
Because they need to do some more check up. (Said to Mn)

Mn: ( sighed sadly)

Jk: (looked up at everyone and then said)
S-so I was thinking if I could.....(cut off by Yg)

Yg: No. It's fine. I'll stay here with him. You guys can leave.

Wz: (hesitantly interrupted Yg)
But mom! You have a function to attend tonight.
So....(cut off by a mad Yg)

Yg: What are you talking about Wz?
What do you mean? Now should I leave my sick husband at hospital for the freaking function?

Wz:( looked down and kept quiet)
Mum. You know I didn't mean it like that. ( Sadly whispered after getting scolded by a mad Yg)

Mn: (sighed and said to Yg)
Babe. I think our kitten is right. You shouldn't stay here with me. After all you see, the consequences of breaking the king's rules.
His orders shouldn't be broken, babe.

Yg: (felt his eyes immediately beamed out in tears because of feeling tensed and helpless)
You don't talk Mr. Aren't you happy after getting this enough? All these that's happening right now are all your mistakes. If you didn't kidnap me back then, then today perhaps we wouldn't have to face such situation. 

Mn: (tried to insist Yg) I know babe. I know I made a big mistake by thinking of a way to disobey the king. But now I want to mend this. And so I'm not thinking of making any further mistakes.

Yg: (understood what his husband is trying to mean but still denied to obey) But I can't, Mn. I can't leave you like this.

Mn: (gently cupped on Yg's face and whispered)
But you've to babe.

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