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Mn was having a very bad time now. He was feeling very depressed, disappointed somehow and very suffocating. He was having his worst time ever right now.
Well you'll know now why.

Mn: Yg. Can we please, go back home now? I'm already done with the work.( approached Yg politely)

Yg just casually glanced over Mn and said,

Yg: Yeah. Give me a few minutes, we'll be leaving then.

With that Yg again looked back at his bestie Hobi and Jimin and then started talking about their previous conversation.

Mn sighed . He again felt left alone by Yg. But he doesn't wants to give up. He patiently waited for Yg.

A half an Hours later:

Mn felt his body jolt up in pain because of the discomfort that he's feeling now. He's been waiting for Yg for half an hours now. But Yg doesn't seem to be getting up from his gossip party yet.

Mn stood up from the couch and walked out of Jimin's house. He went to the backyard and then took out the pack of cigarettes and lighter that he secretly always carries with him. He knows now Yg isn't going to come out since he seems so involved with his friends. So he decided to sneakily smoke for a while to overcome his frustrations.

Mn started smoking.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7.  .......

7 cigarettes are done but still there's no sign of Yg coming out from his friends.

Mn sighed and decided to continue till he's getting any hint that his husband is coming out from the house.

19 cigarettes are done and Mn got a call from inside by Jimin.

Jm: Mn. Come here. Yg hyung is looking for you.

Mn:(shouted back) coming.

Mn quickly took out some mint gums from his pocket and threw away the lighter and cigarettes packet to the ground. Then he put on some fresh strawberry pocket scents and then went back to the house.

After getting inside Mn saw Yg still talking with his friends. To get Yg's attention, Mn cleared his throats.

And as expected Yg indeed looked back at him but that's just for a second and then to inform him that,

Yg: oh yeah. Mn. We're staying over at Jimin's house for tonight. And the room is on the upside 2nd room, right Jiminie?

Jm:(softly smiled at Yg and replied) Yeah. The upside 2nd room.

Yg: So you better go to the room and take some rest now. ( said without looking back at Mn)

Mn just quietly listened to Yg. He was really surprised seeing Yg is deciding to stay over at someone's house except his parents for the very first time.
Normally Yg doesn't do this. So Mn just looked at Yg quietly and then asked with his cold tone,

Mn: You ain't coming there now?

Yg: Yeah. Just after 5 minutes.

Mn:(felt his patients limits got crossed) ok. But I'm not staying here. I'm leaving. I've some work left at home.

Yg: (got surprised) W-what?( now finally looked back at Mn with his full attention and checked Mn from top to bottom)

Yg's brain fuzzed with cloud of anger after noticing something. But he decided to not burst out this soon. He decided to take Mn's classes after going back to the room.

So Yg ignored it for now and  said,

Yg: You want to go back home now?(asked back in a cold and surprised tone)

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