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Yg has already discussed Mn's current problems with Mn's parents. Mn's parents got certainly worried after hearing about the new crisis. 
They already had so many ups and downs losing their son's normal life. Now they don't want to lose their son permanently by sending him to the war. So they asked Yg to talk to Mr. Min and the king once to clear these problems.

At The Vampire's Kingdom  :

Finally, Yg managed time to visit his father and the King to discuss the problems with them.
The King was certainly happy because his favorite scholar had finally come to visit him.

King:So, finally my favorite scholar had gotten the time to visit me? Huh? (asked with a pure smirk plastered on his face)

Yg needs to peruse the King. He needs the king's permission to stop his husband from going to war. So he decided to act professionally with the King.

Yg:My Lord! It's unfortunate to not be able to visit you from time to time. But I promise I'll try to get over it as soon as possible. 

Mr.Min was surprised by seeing his son's attitude towards the king.
But the king wasn't surprised at all. Because he knows when his favorite scholar shows this kind of attitude to him.
So without wasting time, he came straight to the point,

King:Don't waste your time by showing your fakeness. Just come straight to the point. What do you need Mr. Kimmin Yg?

Yg:(sighed for being failed to act before the cunning King and said)
I need your permission to stop sending my husband to the upcoming war.

King:(snickered) And why do you think that I'll grant your so-called wish?

Yg:(eyes started to get heavy but he still tried to stay strong)
Because my husband hasn't been a well-built vampire yet. He's still a...(King cut Yg off with a dirty laugh)

King:Fetus-vampire, right? (laughed maniacally)

Yg:(looked down in disappointment)

King:Oh poor Yg. You're the most powerful vampire in my vampire world. Isn't it shameful for you to be known as a "fetus-vampire's wife"? (mocked to tease Yg)

Yg:(felt super furious at the king but still he zipped his mouth up)

King:Listen. I knew that you'll come here to talk to me about your husband regarding this issue.
And so I've also prepared my opinions for you.


King:You know the rules, Yg.
According to the rules of my kingdom, every vampire has to go to war. It's a compulsory program. Because I want my soldiers to be strong enough like a heinous creature who can fight against any situation, not to live and lead the life like a normal citizen, who needs some authorities for their protection.


King:Even despite being my favorite scholar I made no exception for you also had sent you to the war.

Yg:......(felt hopeless as he understood that he can't pursue the heartless King)

King:But since you made me delighted by making my strongest enemy into my territory, as a reward I kept an option for you.

Yg:(suddenly felt hopeful again and he eagerly waited to hear the option)

King:You have to fight with your husband and win against him.


King: Remember, you must have to win against him. Cause if you win, then I'll make you the next King of this kingdom. 

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