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None pov:

Mn got out of the bedroom and went to the guestroom. He madly locked the door and went straight to the balcony .
Then he shouted his heart out through the balcony while continuously banging his fists and legs through the concrete of his wall-

Mn : Fuck you Kim Mn !
Fuck you!!!!

[ Continued to punch and kick the wall until he made the wall a little cracked. ]

On the other hand, the panicked Yg who had already entered inside the room by using the duplicate key ,had already seen what Mn was doing.
As Mn had locked the door of the balcony, so Yg is  now continuously banging on the door of the balcony to make Mn stop hurting himself.

Finally Mn stopped immediately when he suddenly felt guilty and mad on himself by hearing Yg crying endlessly while banging on the door to make Mn open the door already.

Mn looked down and finally coldly opened the door. Yg immediately crashed himself on Mns arms and continued to sob hard.

Yg : Why Bunny's dada.?
Why?( Asked loudly while crying hard)

Mn :.........

Yg :I'm so sorry. Please, forgive me. I swear I didn't realized that it could hurt you.
Please. ( Begged hard)

Mn :.....

Yg : You can punish me for my deeds.
But please, don't do this again. Don't hurt yourself for my deeds.
It fucking hurts. ... ( Cried hard)

  Tears were also rolling out of Mns eyes in pain as he saw the tears in Ygs eyes. 
Still he didn't hugged Yg back. Rather he just coldly tried to move Yg off from him.

But as Yg was Yg , a stubborn kitten for his family, he stood intact on his position. He rather  hugged back Mn more tightly and shouted with his stubborn,cracked tone,

Yg : No ! Stay. !

Mn :.....

Yg : Don't leave me. I need you.

Mn :......

Yg : ( hugged Mn more tightly and whimpered on Mns chest)
I need you please.( Literally begged to Mn to stay by his side right now )

Mn : ( couldn't help but broke & melt down by hearing Ygs words and so he responded)
Shhhh. ( Finally hugged Yg back and replied)

Yg : .....

Mn : It's fine.
I won't leave you.
I promise.

Yg :( only nuzzled his face on Mns chest as a response to Mns words)

Time skip after 2 hours :

Yg  was slowly bouncing on Mn while wrapping his arms around Mns shoulder and moaning endlessly.

Yg : Fuck. You feels so good hub. ( Bounced hard)
Fuck. ! You feel great.

Mn : ( grunt in pleasure while intently watching Yg to make love with him )
Mmmhh ~
Your pussy feels so good too honey. ( Hugged Yg tightly and whispered)
It feels so great to be wrapped up around you just like this.

Yg :( continued to bounce , hum and moan)
Hmmmh ~

Mn : ( suddenly felt his climax already near &so he quickly declared)
I-im gonna cum honey.
I-im gonna cum.

Yg : ( bounced more hard so that Mn release inside of him quickly)

Mn : Arrggggg ~

[Mn groaned loudly and was about to shoot his seeds deep inside Yg but  got immediately pulled away from Yg by Yg. And that resulted him to shoot his seeds on the air.  ]

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