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Time skip to that day at the noon :

Currently Yg is with his besties at his company.
Yg was sitting on his seat 💺, Tae on the table , Jenny on the second seat and the rest are on the couch.

Yg :( sighed frustratingly)
Things are really getting so hard now ,guys.
Mn is seriously acting so unsupportive to everything. Today at the morning suddenly he told me to postpone the date of the operation.

Tae :( sighed defeatedly)

Jen:( got mad ) Are you serious,Yoongs ?
How come that big baby take that decision so suddenly?
What the Fuck is he thinking now ?

Yg :( sighed ) I don't know Jen. But sometimes he acts so weird that, I really doubt he really wants to do the operation or not.

Baek :( sighed and said )
Yg. I really can't understand that why are you letting him to take such decisions. And more , why are you even listening to his words.
You know how is he !
You know that he easily lose his hope and chose not to fight back when its about himself.
You know how coward he's when these medical things comes about himself.

Yg :( only sighed sadly)
But still his decisions matter ,Baek .
Plus I've to listen to him cause he's my husband.

Tae: But hyung. There's no fucking choice now. The operation must've to be done ,if you want him to survive.
You know about his critical condition, hyung.
Even though I don't want to mention this ,but still I've to do it now.
He only have a few weeks now.

Yg :( felt his eyes getting heavy by remembering that again)
I can't do this, guys!!
I can't afford to lose him at any cost!(said painfully while wiping his tears)

Tae:(got up and hold back Yg)
Its fine, Hyung!
It's fine. Just calm down!
We all are here with you. We all are trying!
I promise,you won't have to face such things in my presence.
I'll give my all efforts that I can do only to save him.

Baek ,Jen,Rose,Sana: (now also got up and went before Yg)

Jen : We're also with you ,Yg. Just have a faith on us.
We'll also give our best to save him.

Baek : Yeah Yg.
Besides , you know how much Mn means to us. He is not only your husband to us ,but also our little brother to us.

Sana: Yes, Yg. We all are here as his backup. We won't let anything bad happen to him .

All :(eagerly looked upto Solar)

Sana: Besides earlier Jm called me. He told me that,he had already talked with the doctor about Mn. The doctor said he's already prepared with everything, but it would be better to do the operation as soon as possible,since Mn is not in that well condition now.

Yg :(only sadly sighed)

Rose: Oppa . After you Mn only listens to Jm oppa.
So why don't you just talk with Jm oppa about these. Like, Mn doesn't want to do the operation now.

Yg :(sighed and thought for a while about rose's words and then calmly replied)
Yeah. I guess you're right . I need to talk with Jm about this problem as soon as possible.
Only he can solve my problem.

Suddenly. KNOCK !KNOCK !

Someone: (cleared his throat and coldly asked)
May I come in !

Yg : (felt the voice familiar)
Yes, come in. 

Mn entered inside the room.

All got startled by seeing Mns sudden presence on the spot.

Mn gently bowed his head to his elders.

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