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After 20 minutes:

Finally, Yg emerged from the washroom, but Mn was nowhere to be found. Sighing, Yg proceeded with his night routines at the dressing table.

In the midst of his routine, a pair of warm arms enveloped Yg's slim waist, startling him.

Yg: Mn...

Mn's hands traveled from Yg's waist to his chest, planting kisses on Yg's nape.

Mn: Mmmh~~ I love the way you smell for me.

Yg, relieved by Mn's affectionate mood, turned around and kissed him passionately.

After the kiss, Yg cupped Mn's face, concerned about the earlier tension.

Yg: Honey, are you feeling better now?

Mn: I love you, babe. But sometimes your actions disappoint me, and I question if your love matches mine.

Yg, wanting to reassure Mn, engaged in more sweet kisses and gestures.

Yg: I'm sorry, Mn. I never meant to hurt you.

Mn, still harboring disappointment, began to express his feelings.

As Yg went to cup Mn's face, accidentally, Mn's bandaged hand hit against furniture, reopening the wound.

Mn: Ahhhh~

Yg, shocked, began backing away, his eyes turning red at the scent of Mn's blood.

Yg: Mn, don't...

Mn approached, holding Yg's arms, trying to understand the sudden change.

Yg: Babe, what's wrong?

Yg, struggling with his vampire instincts, requested Mn to step back.

Mn, realizing Yg's internal struggle, decided to test his reactions further, purposely provoking him.

Mn: Wanna drink it?

Yg, unable to resist his cravings, warned Mn harshly.

Mn pushed Yg against the wall, took a blade, and cut his palm, placing it near Yg's mouth, testing his control.

Mn: Do you want it, Yg? Do you need it?

Yg resisted, warning Mn of potential harm.

Mn pinned Yg harder against the wall, insisting Yg wouldn't harm him. Yg growled and warned Mn to leave before losing control.

Mn attempted to soothe Yg with a peck, acknowledging it was the monster king influencing him.

Yg, on the brink of losing control, harshly pushed Mn away.

Mn collided with the wall, losing his senses instantly.

The tension escalated, leaving the room charged with uncertainty and danger.

Time skip to the next morning:

Mn slowly regained his senses and was surprised to find his mom sitting beside him.

Mn: Mum?

Mom: Baby, did you come back to your senses? Thank goodness. (Sighed in relief)

Mn: Mum, what happened? Why are you here? And where is Yg?

Mom: (softly holding Mn's arms) Baby, first try to stay calm.

Mn, sensing the seriousness in his mother's tone, grew concerned.

Mn: Mum? What happened? Why are you asking me to stay calm? Is Yg okay?

Mom: (took a deep breath) Baby, last night Yg tried to attack you again because of your blood, but this time Jk intervened and saved you.

Mn: (shook and paused) Where's Yg now?

Mom: Wherever he's staying, I can say he's safe.

Mn: (doubtful) What do you mean by "wherever"? Where is he now?

Mom: (hesitant) Mn, I only need the truth. He's at Xiun's house.

Mn: (shocked) At whose house?

Mom: Baby...

Mn: (sternly) Mom, I need the truth. Where's Yg now?

Mom: He's at Xiun's house.

Mn: (furious) Who let him go there? How dare he go there alone?

Mom: Baby, please calm down. Things have changed now.

Mn: (angry) I don't want to know anything, Mom. I just want my wife back home safely, and I'm going to bring him back.

Mom: Baby... (Cut off by Mn leaving hastily)

Mn tracked Yg's location, discovering it was nearby their mansion. Shockingly, it led him to his neighbor's house. Although Mn had never visited their neighbor's home, learning that it was none other than his eternal enemy, Xiun, left him profoundly shaken.

Mn stormed into Xiun's house, announcing himself as Xiun's friend to gain access. He headed to the living room as instructed by the staff, only to find Yg comfortably conversing with Xiun. Mn's blood boiled with anger at the sight.

Yg: Okay, Xiun. I'll bring my necessary stuff here since I have to stay for a few days.

Xiun: Yeah.

Mn: (intervening) Do you really think your husband will let you live here, Mr. Kim Min Yoongi?

Both Yg and Xiun looked back at Mn, shocked. Yg stood up, attempting to explain, but Mn didn't let him.

Mn: I thought you loved only me, Yg. But it seems like I was wrong. It looks like you're craving a taste of someone new.

Yg: (angry) Mn! (harshly slapped Mn)

Mn: (paused after the slap) You're really disgusting. I should have thought twice before doing something good for a person like you.

Yg: (furious) I came here for treatment, so I don't harm you, and here you are, calling me a slut?

Mn: You're disgusting, a jerk, and a pure bastard. You should be ashamed.

Mn noticed Xiun smirking, aware of Xiun's feelings for Yg. Mn's anger intensified.

Mn: (continued listening to Yg and then warned) Come back home with me now, or I'll make you suffer.

Yg: (shook) Mn...

Xiun: (interrupting) Hey! Do you think Yg will be afraid of your threats? Do you think he'll leave just because you don't like him here? Do you think Yg's opinions have no value?

Mn: (looking at Yg) If you don't come back home now, I won't talk to you for a week.

Yg: (afraid) No, please don't do that. (pleaded with Mn)

Mn: (possessively pulling Yg towards him) Then do as I say, or you won't hear my voice for a week.

Yg: (hugging Mn tightly) I love you. Please don't make me suffer. I'll do everything you want.

Mn: (smirking) That's my good princess. I love you too. Now, let's go home.

Yg: (nodding) I'm sorry, Xiun. This system won't work for me. I need him. So, I have to go. Bye. (Leaving with Mn)

Outside Xiun's home, Yg tightly held Mn's uninjured wrist.

Mn: (stopped and pulled Yg into a tight hug)

Yg: (hugging Mn back) Jerk!

Mn: (breathing deep) Want me to carry you home, princess?

Yg: (smacking Mn's chest) Jerk! First, recover from these injuries, then carry me as much as you want.

Mn: (smiling) Fine. But let's enjoy this warmth for a while. I really missed this love in the morning.

Yg: (humming) Hmm, me too. I need it.

Mn: (smiling) Then let's enjoy it!

Yg: (softly humming, nuzzling his face on Mn's chest)

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