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Later, Yg managed to lift his husband, Mn, from the floor and gently laid him on the bed. As he carefully examined Mn's body, concern etched across his face, Yg noticed that the hand he had bitten earlier had taken on a bluish-purple hue, the ominous color gradually creeping through his veins.

Panic gripped Yg, prompting him to urgently call his younger brother, Tae, who possessed extensive knowledge about vampire venoms. As Tae received the distressing call, he absorbed the details Yg conveyed, a sense of alarm settling in.

In a calming tone, Tae instructed Yg to compose himself and swiftly secure Mn's wrist with sturdy ropes or clothing. Meanwhile, Tae assured Yg that he was en route to Yg's home, ready to lend his expertise in this dire situation.

With a sense of urgency, Yg followed his brother's guidance, tightly binding Mn's wrist with thick ropes, anxiously awaiting Tae's arrival at his doorstep.

Time skip after 15 minutes:

Tae arrived at Yg's home accompanied by their vampire personal doctor's assistant. Despite the unfamiliarity with the assistant, Tae had hastily brought him along, considering their personal doctor's unavailability for the past few days.

The assistant, a stranger to Yg and Tae, promptly assessed Mn's condition. With a sense of urgency, he instructed Yg and Tae to step outside the room, emphasizing the need for privacy during the critical treatment.

Unease settled over Yg as he gazed at the unfamiliar face of the assistant. A nagging sense of doubt crept in, hinting that he might have encountered this doctor before, though the memory eluded him. Hesitation marked Yg's initial response:

Yg: Doctor, we won't disturb you. You can proceed as needed.

The doctor, sensing Yg's reluctance, awkwardly reassured him:

Doctor: Look, Yg, I need some space to work with him. Everything I do is for your husband's well-being.

Yg, still hesitant, attempted to express his concerns:

Yg: But...(interrupted by Tae)

Tae intervened with a sense of urgency:

Tae: Hyung, we don't have much time. Please, let him do what he needs to do.

Yg sighed, a defeated acceptance evident in his demeanor:

Yg: Fine.

Reluctantly, Yg and Tae left the room without delay. Despite Tae's urging, Yg couldn't shake off the growing panic within him, his worry intensifying as he waited outside.

Time skip after 30 minutes:

The doctor emerged from the room, his face betraying exhaustion, nerves, and tension. Yg and Tae hurriedly approached him, their anxiety palpable. Yg, unable to contain his impatience, demanded answers:

Yg: Doctor? How is my husband?

The doctor, nervously avoiding eye contact, finally confessed with a shaky tone:

Doctor: Look, Yg, I found your venom spreading up to your husband's neck. So, I had to make a small incision on his neck.

Yg's expression froze in shock.

Doctor: But, I accidentally pressed on the wrong nerves.

Yg and Tae stood stunned.

Doctor: And now, I can't reverse it. He needs to be rushed to the hospital immediately. I provided basic treatment, but...

Yg erupted in fury, pummeling the doctor in a fit of rage.

Tae desperately intervened, trying to restrain Yg:

Tae: Hyung, stop!

After enduring three harsh punches, the doctor groaned and shouted, revealing a shocking truth.

Doctor: Yg, stop! It was all your father's plan!

Yg halted abruptly, and Tae released his grip.

Doctor: Mr. Min orchestrated everything. He forced me to carry out these actions.

The doctor, still on the floor, tearfully confessed:

Doctor: I'm not a real doctor. I'm an accountant from his company. He coerced me into posing as your family doctor's assistant, manipulating me to harm your husband.

Yg, bewildered, listened to the doctor's shocking revelation.

Doctor: I didn't kill him. I sent a picture of the neck slit to your father and provided some basic treatment. But he needs a real doctor now.

Yg and Tae stood in stunned silence, grappling with the magnitude of the betrayal.

Tae interrupted the tense moment:

Tae: Hyung, not now. Mn is in an emergency. Let's get him to the hospital first. We'll deal with this later.

Yg, still seething with anger and shock, reluctantly agreed.

Later, Yg and Tae swiftly left the house, transporting Mn to their discreet vampire doctor hospital for urgent care.

Time skip after 3 hours:

The doctor emerged from the operating room, sporting an exhausted yet content expression.

Yg, brimming with nervous hope, asked the doctor about Mn's condition.

Doctor: You must be the luckiest man alive. He's completely out of danger.

Relief washed over Yg, and Tae eagerly inquired if Mn had fully recovered.

Doctor: Yes, he's recovered completely. He's been asking for his 'wifey' since he regained consciousness.

Yg blushed, and Tae expressed gratitude.

Doctor encouraged Yg to go to Mn, sharing the amusing details of Mn's inquiries about his 'wifey.'

Tae assured Yg, telling him to go inside, and Yg, feeling shy, headed towards the operating room.

In the recovery room, Yg found Mn sitting somberly on the bed, murmuring to himself.

Mn: Why did you leave me here, Gukie's mama? I feel so lonely. I need you badly.

Yg called out to Mn:

Yg: Honey!

Mn looked up in surprise.

Mn: Wifey?

Yg hurriedly approached Mn, embracing him tightly as they shared a heartfelt moment.

Mn: Wifey! I love you! I'm sorry for being rude. Please don't leave me.

Yg gently reassured Mn:

Yg: No, don't say those words. Wifey will never leave you.

Mn continued to express his love, kissing Yg's shoulder.

Yg reciprocated with a soft kiss on Mn's chest:

Yg: I love you too, hubby. I love you too.

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