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Later the treatment went on. The vet somehow managed to clean Mns wounds and put a proper bandage 🩹 on them . But still he couldn't assure Yg anything specific about Mns condition. All he just told Yg is to provide Mn a proper take care and rest.

Right now Yg is at his bedroom, laying on his bed with his little cat husband. His husband still hadn't gotten back to his human form. He was sleeping still in his cat form.
Yg tiredly patted on Mns bum and his eyes were also getting heavy for being sleepy. So he softly yawned and settled himself at one corner of the bed and continued to stare at the little yet cute creature beside him .
He then softly patted on the creature's head and then whispered,

Yg : I love you so much, Mn. Hope you can understand me soon.

Tears slipped out of the upset Ygs eyes and slowly he fall asleep.

Time skip at the night:

Yg was still sleeping on his bed suddenly his precious sleep broke after hearing a loud breaking noises coming out from the kitchen.

Yg woke up and headed himself towards the kitchen.
After getting inside the kitchen, Yg got certainly shook by seeing a little cat was scratching on the fridge while meowing crazily.
And that little cat is none but his husband, Mn.
Just after Mn felt the presence of Yg near him , he stopped his meowing & now he started to trail here and there in the kitchen.

Yg just looked back at Mn in surprise and he said in a shook mode  ,

Yg : What the hell!! Why is this kitchen so messy?

Mn : (again started to meow ) meow ! Meowww!( continued to jump and  scratch on the fridge)

Yg : Mn stop it !
What are you doing?
Why are you scratching there ?

Mn : ( now stopped and didn't respond anything to Yg ,he just roamed around the kitchen in his own way )

Yg :( sighed hard and started clean the mess of the kitchen)

Mn :( interrupted Ygs work by again jumping on the fridge and again scratching on the fridge)

Yg : ( got shook by Mns actions and so he abruptly stopped Mn by growling)
Mn stop!

Mn :( stopped immediately)

Yg : For god's sake stop messing around like this & tell me already what's your problem!Why are you acting like this?

Mn :..( again went near fridge and now softly scratched on it while meowing and looking at Yg )..

Yg : ( confusedly looked back at Mn and asked )
You want me to open it for you?

Mn :( stopped scratching and now just calmly looked back at Yg)

Yg :( took Mns reaction as "yes" and now he opened the fridge)

Mn :( immediately jumped inside the fridge and now tapped on the bottle of banana milk 🍼)

Yg :( finally reconnected everything and understood)
Oh ! So you want your milk !

Mn :( now gently got down from the fridge and calmly looked back at Yg )

Yg took out bottle of milk from the fridge and pour them on a small bowl . Then he gently served that to Mn on the floor and sat down there. Mn happily started to drink his milk by his tongue and Yg just quietly stared back at him  ..

Yg :( tried to make some conversation with Mn ) S-so. You were hungry !

Mn :...( Only quietly enjoyed his own food)

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