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Yg directly ran out of the spot in search of Mn but alas he couldn't get a single sign of his husband.

Mns car was still parked on the spot but Mn was no where to be seen .
Now Yg got worried.  He took out his phone and first track Mns location. Yg found it nearby. He then immediately dialed on Mns number and called him . But unfortunately it didn't seem to be responding.

Yg now went near Mns car to check on Mn . But it was also empty. No one was there inside the car .
Yg sighed worriedly and again called on Mns number. Suddenly he noticed a ray of flash coming from the car. He properly peeked inside the car and found it was Mns phone.
Ygs heart now dried out in fear. Coz it was so unexpected. Mn never does this or ever did this before when he's outside. Usually he never leaves his phone when he stays at outside.

Yg now called his friends. After a few moments they came on the spot. And then Yg explained them everything whatever strange he found out now.
Everyone got worried by seeing the situation. So to keep the atmosphere chilled Hobi confronted everyone.

Hobi :Guys. Calm down. I think he's nearby here.
Maybe he's walking around through the nearest shops to calm his head.

Lisa : Yeah. Maybe that'd had happened.

Hobi : Yeah. That's it.
So why don't we just start looking for him instead of waiting here ?

Jm : Ok . Let's go then.

Jen : Wait guys. Hold on.

All :......

Jen : I don't think so he's nearby. I think he's been nabbed by someone .

All :.....

Jen : Coz just look at these. His wallets , phone ,car and everything are here. Besides Yg said that he never had done something like this before.
So maybe something unexpected had happened with him .

All :.....

Baek : I agree with her . She has a point.

Yg : (got worried and nervous as hell)
But what could've happened to him and how can you be so sure about that?

Baek : Yg its .....
(was about to explain but suddenly all of them heard something)

All :(heard a strange banging sound from a car a little bit away from Mns car)

Hobi : What's that sound? Did you guys hear that?

Jm : Y-yeah. It's. It's a sound of banging something.
Probably something hard made of steel.

Lisa:(looked here and there and then noticed the car beside Mns car)
Guys look.
That car is moving.

All : Yeah.

Yg :(sensed something ) oh my god!

All :(eagerly looked at Yg)

Yg : Don't tell me that he's trapped in there. (Said worriedly and nervously)

And with that Yg rushed near the unknown car. Yg harshly opened the back of the car and found a panting and sweaty Mn inside..

Ygs body froze on the spot. Now he didn't had that ability to process something because of his sudden shock.
Ygs friends and Mns friends who also rushed on the spot behind Yg ,now helped Mn to get off from the trunk of the unknown car.

Jenny hold Mn and began to rub Mns back since Mn was having a great difficulty in breathing.

Whereas Yg was still standing there in a frozen mode.
Jm , Hobi and Lisa noticed that. So they came forward to cradle the shocked Yg and get him back to his senses.

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