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None pov :
Later Yg fall asleep with Mn. And Mn was just pretending to sleep with Yg as he was on his other plans.
Mn still didn't forgive Yg . Rather this time for being seriously broken by Yg , he decided to elope from Yg for a long time. So that he can give Yg ,Ygs worst punishment of being separated for a long time.
And Yg can realize his importance and think twice before doing something like this again.
He decided to go back to Daegu city for a while.

So he only pretended to forgive Yg so that he can easily gain Ygs trust and Yg can't even doubt on him.

Yg was cuddling with Mn . So Mn just slowly slipped himself out of Ygs grips and then quietly grabbed his already packed up luggage.
Then he grabbed his car's keys and slowly started to sneak out from the house.

Mn successfully sneaked out from the bedroom . But when he reached to the downstairs at the main door he got shocked by seeing the main door being locked .

Mn cursed himself for forgetting to bring the house-keys with him. 
So he again went back to his bedroom .
And this time his eyes almost bugged out by seeing an already woke up Yg just quietly sitting on the bed.

Mn got shocked.  He didn't expected Yg to wake up now. Because the last time he checked before going out of the room Yg was seemed to be in a heavy sleep.

Now by seeing Yg wide awake, Mn got nervous. He slowly walked near his bed and sat on the opposite side of Yg .

Yg : So. Did you find the keys ?

Mn realized that Yg has already understood his plans . He got all caught up in red handed . So he quietly looked down.

Yg only smirked coldly at Mns defeated reaction. He knows that after getting all caught up like this, Mn will think twice before doing something like this again.

So he relaxedly turned off the lights ,laid down on the bed and then declared to Mn ,

Yg : Get back to my chest.

Mn doesn't have to tell twice. He knows about the consequences of disobeying his wife. So with his upset and glossy eyes for being failed in his master plan, he quietly laid back to Ygs chest.
Yg hugged him back and protectively wrapped his arms around Mns body.

Tears continued to slip out of Mns eyes and they drenched Ygs shirt.
Ygs heart also shook by the feeling that he's getting now from Mn.
So he reassured his upset husband,

Yg : I love you, Mn.

Mn :.....

Yg : You're the only first and last love of my life.

Mn :......

Yg : I know I hurt you so much. And maybe I shouldn't had done that ever.
But I hope my this mistakes don't break you down like this. (tears also slipped out of his own eyes)

Mn : ..(finally opened up his mouth)
But it hurt me ,Yg.
This time it didn't only hurt me , rather it totally shattered me from inside.

Yg : .......

Mn : Even after being married with me for years, how could you just do this behind my back.?

Yg : (slowly loosen his grip on Mn)

Mn :(now sat up and continued)
If you say it's for your needs,then couldn't you fucking wait and take your time to discuss your problem with me?(shouted at Yg)

Yg :.....

Mn : or you were too much horny for that,huh!(shouted madly)

Yg :...(now looked down upsetly and then said in his upset tone)
I'm sorry!

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