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None pov:

Mn pinned Yg against the wall and kissed him like fire. He kissed Ygs lips as if it's his last meal of his life.
Yg was also liking the hot sensation that he was getting throughout his whole body because of Mns intensive kisses. His heart was beating 💓 super fast whereas his stomach was literally churning like a twistor. And it was giving him the different pleasureful sensation like the dancing of many butterflies together.
Yg slowly kissed Mn back so that he can enjoy the full love of his man. He pulled Mn more towards him so that there stays no gap in between them.
Their bodies were attached with each other like some strong glue. Where Mn was continuously rubbing his clothed crotch against Ygs crotch to add more pleasure for Yg .
And Yg was indeed enjoying that sinful feelings . He was literally enjoying it so much that right now he was feeling a strong desire of keeping his man( Mn) with him in this position for forever.
The more Mn was rubbing himself against Ygs crotch ,the more Yg was tightening grips on Mns hair and the more he was biting down on the bottom of Mns lips.
Mn was also liking the painful pleasure that his wife was giving him. So now he purposely made some hard thrust on Ygs clothed crotch so that Yg can show his more harshness on him .

And Yg indeed did that as his reaction. He harshly bite on Mns bottom lips and continued to bite & suck on that until Mns lips bleeds and turns into purple bruise.

At one time Mn pulled away from the kiss and just intently stared back at his sexy Kitty wife who just seemed quite mad for being suddenly pulled away like this.

Mn : Enjoyed enough already,huh ?( Purposely teased his angry kitty wife )

Yg : Not yet ,my Mr ! Still have left so many things to eat ,devour , take loads to enjoy it to the full !(purposely whispered last line sexily to tease Mn back)

Mn :( gulped hard at Ygs such tease and then stuttered)
Y-yeah. I-I know. You don't n-need to tell those things in so details like this!( Said while blushing hard in embarrassment)

Yg : ( smirked at his shy husband and now leaned more towards him to whisper)
oh . Don't be so shy my hub! It's not like it's your first time to play with me like this !
You've played it before too and surely had made a good score in that.

Mn :( felt his cheeks gradually burning for blushing more by hearing Ygs words)

Yg :( now placed a soft kiss on Mns red ears and then whispered sexily)
Now we just started to play, Mn! You still have so many things to do with me and so many rounds to finish with me. So .

Yg leaned his mouth near Mns left ear.. He smirked and harshly bite on Mns earlobes making Mn groan at the painful tease .
Mns body started to shake in nervousness for being clueless about what's going to happen next.
What more painful tease,Yg is going to do on the next.
He was literally shaking by thinking all that.
Whereas Yg just smirked more at Mns satisfying reaction and then whispered,

Yg : Stop being so shy and concentrate on only me, honey.

Mn :( blushed like a red tomato)

Yg : ( now licked on Mns earlobes and whispered more ) I swear,I will make you see heaven if you continue to do that.

Mn :( felt the electric shock passed throughout his whole body because of Ygs that whisper)

They started the teasing session again before they start the main session.

Time skip back to home :

After a week :

Mn handled Al's teacher's problem in his own way.
He used his old secret soldiers to help him solving this big problem.

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