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None pov:

Later Mn went back to his bedroom to freshen up himself as per as Ygs commands.
In the meantime Yg also prepared the dinner for Mn and waited for Mn with Mns dinner to come out from the washroom.

Finally Mn came out and Yg also approached near Mn with a towel to dry up Mns wet hair.

Yg made Mn sat back on the bed and then started to dry out Mns hair with the fresh towel.

Yg : Did you washed your toes and heel properly?

Mn : ( softly nodded his head as yes )

Yg :( now concernly asked Mn in his serious tone) Does it still hurt you? Did you again feel the pain ?

Mn :( shook his head as no )
No , it didn't like before. And you don't need to worry about it , sweetie. The way you always make sure to take care of it I believe it's improving.

Yg : ( still sighed in guilt for hurting his husband and then upsetly said )
I'm sorry to hurt you , honey.
Trust me ,I changed myself for you. It's just the medicine that....( Cut off by a serious faced  Mn )

Mn :( stopped Yg and then seriously said to Yg with his serious look )
Yg ,you better not repeat those words again and feel guilty about that . I know that it wasn't your fault at all . The effects of the wrong medicine that you're taking and the worse situation I created for you compelled you to do that.
It wasn't your fault,Yg.

Yg :( upsetly looked down)

Mn felt seriously mad and angry on himself by seeing Yg still couldn't get over that accident.  It was inwardly suffocating Mn by knowing that Yg still considers himself guilty for that accident even though he had no fault in there.

So Mn just shouted on himself to get over of his own anger and frustration that he's feeling by seeing the upset Yg.

Mn: Dang ! ( Harshly stomped on the floor and kicked on the bed )

Yg :( got shocked by Mns reaction and now quickly compiled himself to stop Mn )
Mn! Stop ! ( Firmly hold on Mns arms and pulled Mn towards himself)
What the fuck are you doing?( Shouted on Mn in shock)

Mn : ( only madly sighed and then shouted back )
Yg. You know that I seriously hate to see you upset then why do you always do that ?

Yg now understood Mns emotions and so he stopped himself from shouting back to Mn . He hold himself back and then decided to handle the situation calmly.

Yg : Ok . Calm down.( Gently rubbed on Mns chest and then softly said )
It's fine. I can get you now.
I promise I will be careful about it from the next time.

Mn :( calmed down and seriously said )
You better be ,Yg.
I seriously hate that.

Yg :( nodded his head as ok )
Ok. I got you .

Mn :( sighed in relief)

Yg : (continued rub on Mns chest and then softly asked )
Your dinner is ready?
Do you want me to feed you now ?

Mn :( shook his head as ok but also asked )
Yeah. But did you had your one ?

Yg :( shook his head as no )
No. I don't have any appetite for today.

Mn : ( now looked back at Yg in shook )
Why ?
You know I don't eat without you . Then why didn't you...( Cut off by Yg)

Yg : Mn please.
At least don't force me in here . It my choice to not have my dinner now. ( Replied madly)

Mn :( got shook by Ygs words)
What? You're asking me to not at least force you in here ! .
Do I always force you?( Asked in disbelief)

Yg :( realized that his words had hurt Mns feelings already,so to cover it up he quickly replied)
It's not like that ,Mn .
I really didn't...( Cut off by Mn )

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