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Time skip to the next day:

A sharp noises of some movements and the cute little noises of birds finally broke the deep sleep of Mn.

He slowly opened up his eyes and got certainly startled by finding himself at his own room. As far as he remembers, last time when he got senseless, he was at Ygs office.
And now by seeing himself back at his home, at first he felt a little bit shook but then he felt relieved.
Now he looked around to look for his one only heart , his wife. But he couldn't get any sign of him at the room. So he felt very desperate and restless.
He was about to get up from his bed to look for Yg , but suddenly got cut off by the already presence of Yg in the room.

Yg :(got surprised by seeing Mn had already woke up)
Oh my god!

Yg worriedly came to Mn and asked him while softly cupping on his soft face,

.Yg : You ok, honey?
A-are you feeling better now? Do you want me to call the doctor?(asked with a tone full of worries and concerns)

Mn :(softly first shook his head as 'no' and then said)

No, I'm fine.

Yg: (felt a little bit relieved after hearing a positive response from his husband)

Mn:( but then again he asked Yg in a little bit mad tone)

Where did you go? Don't you know that I hate being alone without you?

Yg now felt guilty. He knows how desperate and restless Mn is for him. And it's not a new thing to Yg . It's happening since the day Yg had marked Mn as his soulmate .Since that day when Yg realized that his marking had weakened Mns strength and it made Mn more reliable for him, he(Yg) stopped going anywhere without Mn. He even appointed Mn in his own company and also stopped himself from leaving home for a single day for the sake of Mn. Coz he observed that how Mn reacts when he leaves home for abroad or any other place outside of the city.

Time skip to past:

Some years ago:

Yg was preparing his luggage for his sudden business tour . He almost prepared everything for the tour. Now for the last time to confirm his flight tickets , he took out his phone to call his personal assistant. But suddenly got paused by the sudden presence of Mn on his room.

Yg :Hey baby.

Mn: (softly smiled at Yg and went near him to give him a warm hug)

Hey babe.

Yg: (hugged Mn back and asked Mn with a warm smile)

Why so late?

Mn: (pulled away from the hug and then casually replied )

Nothing much . Just got stuck up with some company works.

Yg: oh ! Ok!

Mn hummed softly and then casually looked around. Suddenly he noticed Ygs packed up luggage. He confusedly looked back at Yg and then asked,

Mn: What's that ,babe ? Why did you packed up your luggage?

Are we supposed to go somewhere?

Yg:(smiled softly & shook his head as 'no')

No, baby. Its not us. Its just me , who is supposed to go.


Yg: Actually tomorrow I have an important meeting with MCS company.

Mn: MCS company ? Isn't it at London?

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