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None pov:

Mn took Yg back to their home and then he explained to Yg everything about the current problems that his father said to him .

Yg got worried after knowing about this sudden plan of Mns father. Cause he didn't expected Mns father to do something like that.
Plus he was worried by thinking maybe making Mn meet with Mr. Min and King 👑 might make big trouble for Mn.
As Mn is just a newbie vampire who literally knows nothing about the vampire world.


Finally everyone arrived on the spot.
Now Yg was sitting with Mn right across Kim couple, Mr.Min , The King and his bodyguards.
Mr. Min and the king seemed to be very happy about the fact that finally Mn belongs to their own cast.

Dad : Umm. So , Min.  Do you wanna say something before you start your rituals?

Min :(gently shook his head) umm . No. ( looked forward to the king)
My lord ! Do you want to say anything?

King :(nodded his head positively and then smirked while looking back at Mn )
Yes. Finally I'm feeling so proud for having a student like Yg.

All :( kept silent)

King : After all he was the best student that I ever had.

All :....

King : ( said more ) And I knew for sure that one day he'll come back to his own track and will do something to make me feel proud of him. 

All :......

King : I'm proud of you,son !
You made me a successful King by making the most powerful alpha of wolf kingdom into a vampire.
I'm so proud of you!( Said with an evil smirk plastered on his face)

Mn : ( balled up his fists furiously and flew himself to attack the shit out of the king but got immediately blocked by the bodyguards)

Yg :( immediately rushed to Mn to hold Mn back)

Mn : leave me ! I'm gonna kill that bustard !( tried to get himself out of the men's grips and attack the king )

King :( got shook by seeing the same old short-tempered Mn )

Yg : ( stopped Mn )
Mn ,stop ! Please, calm down. ( Pleaded to Mn )

Mn :( panted hard in anger )

Yg :( pulled Mn towards him and put Mns face to his neck to hide it from others)
Calm down!
I'm handling it!
You just calm down!

Mn : ( slowed down his panting and then mumbled)
I'm not gonna perform any ritual with this bustard!
I'm not gonna be a part of his kingdom!(said stubbornly)

Yg : ( sighed and said softly)
Honey remember. We had already talked about it!
You don't have to be a part of his kingdom!
You just have to be a part of my entity.( Whispered softly)

Mn :( calmly listened to Ygs words )

Yg :(whispered more )
So you better not be so hard to me , right now!

Mn : ( hesitantly agreed and nodded his head as ok )

Yg :( kissed on Mns head and whispered)
My good boy.

Mn :( felt totally calmed )

Yg now turned his face to the king and then declared with his cold tone,

Yg : My highness! I don't want to do any foreplay now.
I just want you to perform your process and end the discussion here

King :( just smirked at the cold Ygs words and then said )
As your wish,my son.

The king signalled Yg and Mn to take their seat back to their places.
Mn and Yg sat down back to their places.

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