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None POV:

After being cradled by Jk, Yg finally calmed down and headed towards his room.

After entering into his room he got surprised by seeing Mn being back to his human form and he was desperately searching for something at their closet.

Yg quietly stood on his track and kept watching his desperate husband.

Finally Mn's facial expressions changed from being desperate to fine. Mn finally found what he was looking for.  A lighter.
Yg got shocked. Before Mn could go to the balcony to use the lighter Yg called him,

Yg: Hon!

Mn got paused on his spot. He swiftly and sneakily put the lighter inside his short's pocket and then looked back at Yg with a normal face,

Mn: Yes?

Yg: (came before Mn and then casually asked)
Where are you going?

Mn: Nowhere. I'm just toddling here and there. (Lied)

Yg: really?

Mn: Yeah. For real.(lied again)

Yg: Then what did you put inside your left pocket?(asked coldly)

Mn:(realized that he's already too late to hide the lighter from Yg)
Babe. (Sighed hard and then confessed)
I'm feeling bad. So please.
I need it so much now. ..

Yg: Give that to me. (Ordered in a firm tone)

Mn: Yg please. (Requested)

Yg: Give that to me, Mn. (Ordered in his authorative tone)

Mn:(sighed defeatedly and return the lighter to Yg)

Yg:(took the lighter and threw it to the trash)

Mn:(felt more upset by Yg's desperate deeds)

Yg: (now went near Mn and softly cupped his face)
Mn. Baby. I love you.
Please, stop hurting me like this!

Mn: ( only upsetly moved away from Yg and then said )
Yg. I'm not in a good mood now. So you better leave me alone.

Yg: ( still pulled Mn near him and cupped on Face)
Baby. I'm sorry to let you know that I ain't doing that.


Yg: I ain't leaving you alone until you get fully recovered.

Mn:(anger issues rose) Yg.  I said I'm feeling bad now. Please, leave me alone!(shouted at Yg)

Yg:( got shocked by Mn's such behavior but then he realized that he forgot to make Mn intake his medicines)
Ok. (softly sighed and softened his tone) Calm down.
I'll leave you alone.
Just at first let's sit down on the bed.

Mn: (was about to refuse) Yg---(got cut off by Yg's request)

Yg: please, hun.

Mn:(sighed and madly sat back on the bed)

Yg knows what can make his husband calm down without using medicine. Its his experience of living with his husband for years. So he applied that strategy.
He also knelt before Mn and gently grabbed on Mn's shirt . He slowly unbuttoned the buttons first. Then he gently placed his hand on Mn's chest and rubbed that back.

Mn's eyes immediately softened and flattered with calmness. He breathed out softly and hummed in satisfaction.

During massaging Mn's chest Yg noticed a small blue files over the desk . It seemed so unfamiliar to him . He eagerly looked up and read the title,"ABOUT VAMPIRE KINGDOM".

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