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None POV:

Mn stepped ahead to Yg and furiously grabbed on his (Ygs ) arms first. Yg literally groaned out in pain by getting such a harsh grabbing from his short-tempered, crazy husband, Mn , who is right now seemed to be very furious.

Mns eyes seemed so red. He was seemed not only furious but also so broken as he assumed that his wife, whom he not only loves the most in this whole world but also trust the most , has cheated on him with his best friend. Mn growled ,

Mn: Why the fuck you did that ? What the fuck did I did to deserve this from you?

Yg: Baby you...(cut off by Mn grabbing his arms more tightly while growling crazily)

Mn : ANSWER ME !!!!

Yg : (harshly slapped Mn )

Mn: (got  paused for the sudden slap on his face )


Mn : (was about to say something but got immediately cut off by Yg)........

Yg : ( immediately interrupted Mn on the mid-way) NO! DON'T ! JUST  FUCKING DON'T UTTER A SINGLE WORD !

Mn : ...........

Yg : ( now took a deep breath to calm down his mind and then started )First of all you need to tell me what the fuck is wrong with you? Who the fuck has poisoned your head by saying that I can cheat on you with Jm, who is literally just like a brother to me ? 

Mn: ...........( looked down and kept quiet)

Yg : ( got mad by seeing Mn not talking now ) NEED YOU TO SPEAK ,MR.KIM !

Mn : (now spoke up) Z-Zara told me .

Yg : (looked back at Mn in disbelief )ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS NOW !

Mn: At first I didn't believed her . B-but then she showed me the proof. 

Yg :.........

Mn: A-and I have the proof with me that you're actually involved with Jm.

Yg : (got more shook by Mns words but still he calmly asked back ) ok. Show me the proof.

Mn : (quickly took off his phone and opened a particular picture from his galleries) See..(went to Yg and handed him the phone ) See this pic by your own eyes. Isn't it you & him eating each other out at the hotel bed?

Yg : ( coldly took the phone from Mns hand and then looked at the screen of Mns phone )

Mn : Got the evidence ? Isn't it enough to prove you wrong ?

Yg : ( coldly looked back at Mn and then coldly asked ) Is that what you got as a proof to prove me wrong ?

Mn :(confidently replied ) Yes ! And you know who gave me this ?

Yg : .......

Mn : Zara . She gave me this . So that I can be aware of a cheater like you !

Yg : oh really ?

Mn : (again confidently replied )YES !

Yg : (now harshly pulled Mn near him by grabbing on Mns collar and then showed Mn Mns phone ) Just look properly , idiot ! Its me and you in our favorite one night hotel. 

Mn now looked properly at the picture and then his heart shook . Coz according to him he indeed saw Jm in his place. Mn snatched his phone from Ygs hand and started to check his whole gallery and history. But alas! He couldn't find any photos like that in his whole phone .

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